Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example The action and reaction observed in gender issues have made it necessary for both men and women to collaborate in designing and implementing policies that will suit the interests of either sex. In order to critically capture affirmative action and the rise of women in a men-dominated world, it is essential to understand the root cause of gender issues and how different people are dealing with it. This makes the source a rich resource in terms of the information it contains and its subsequent use in my research. The interconnectedness of different education disciplines has diversified the affirmative action debate and the role of women in the society. The field of science has not been left behind in the debate. For many years, science had been predominantly a field for men. Societies held that the field was relatively difficult for women to handle. However, women empowerment from time to time has left women equal or even better than men in science courses and professions. Policies that are empowering women in science are vital in the continuing affirmative action debate. Many studies continue to highlight women’s potentials, abilities, and capabilities in science, and Balafoutas and Matthias have made their contribution in such studies. The information and policies presented in this source shows that affirmative action is not limited to any specific disciplines, making the source crucial in my study. The fact that the journal is published makes it a credible source. Beaman emphasizes on the need for exposure to both men and women. The source primarily concentrates on empowering women and reducing gender bias through exposure. The source highlights all the variables that define exposure, and also presents the exact aspects that constitute gender bias. Measures that can be used to reduce or alleviate gender bias are outlined, thereby showing how men and women should relate in the light of affirmative action. The

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Appraisal Theory The Effects On Skin Psychology Essay

Appraisal Theory The Effects On Skin Psychology Essay This report aims to replicate a classic finding in biopsychology research which proposed, that increases in task difficulty lead to increases in arousal. As well as to present any individual differences that angle off from this, that possibly could be accounted by the appraisal theory. One hundred and two individuals took part in a task called Speedy Pizzas where they had to deliver successfully a vast quantity of pizzas as the level of difficulty increased. The individuals were represented with a total of 5 levels of difficulty, beginning from level 1 (10 pizzas per minute) to level 5 (50 pizzas per minute). This experiment used a repeated measures design where each individual participated at both levels of task difficulty. The outcome showed that there was a significant increase in GSR as task engagement got more challenging. Although, that the overall GSR test showed increase, individual differences might suggest otherwise. Introduction To begin with, this paper will first examine some relevant background on the former literature on a classic biopsychology discoveries based on task performance and its association with increase in skin conductance in an attempt to replicate its findings. Afterwards, it will address some individual variations that might have a crucial role in that correlation. A number of researchers over the years have shown that task attainment of individuals is closely knit together with increase in skin conductance. For instance, Kahneman, Trusky et al. (1969 cited in Pecchinenda and Smith 1996) experiment, showed the relationship between skin resistance levels and mental arithmetic task at three layers of difficulty and encountered that skin resistance decreased as difficulty of each level increased. Nonetheless, this connection between them is often distinct, there are cases that the individuals disengage from the task by resigning which is shown in the form of decreasing responses in the GSR le vels whilst the task engagement becomes particularly difficult. This occurrence can be placed under the theory of the appraisal model proposed by Smith and Lazarus (1993 cited in Pecchinenda and Smith 1996) that suggested that the amount of each individuals focusing resources is established by their appraisal of task-solving coping potential. The above theory has been adapted in various studies, one of them was measuring accomplishment in a demanding mental task. (Pecchinenda and Smith 1996) Pecchinenda and Smiths study wanted to demonstrate the direct association between a cognitive task engagement and the appraisal of each individuals coping potential. Thus, subjects were presented by series of anagrams, that they were called to solve, in various circumstances whilst their GSR was continuously observed. The level of difficulty diverse between each anagram by either having an easy, moderately difficult and extremely difficult anagram as well as the amount of time available that par ticipants had to solve it changed between 30 sec and 120 sec. Results showed that participants coping potential varied between them, since the perception that each subject experienced the situation was different. Paradigm, when an individual appraised their task-solving ability with having a high coping potential approached the task with the attempt to achieve their goal and successfully complete the task. On the contrary, people who appraised the situation as overwhelming and the task as virtually impossible (Pecchinenda and Smith, page 486) had low coping potential and therefore disengaged from the task. Hence, apposite to the skin conductance activity there was a general increase in the GSR levels when the task-solving trials were aligned with the participants engagement in the trials. However, this increase dropped dramatically when the anagrams level of difficulty was extremely demanding as a result of the paltry levels of task engagement. An interesting feature about this stud y that shouldnt be obscured was that the correlation between skin conductance activity and task engagement is not absolute. There are other aspects that might intrude and mislead this association. As in that the correlation between GSR and other components such as stress, perception of the circumstance, negative feelings etc resulted as having an impact on the GSR, Nikula (1991 cited in Pecchinenda and Smith 1996). Another related experiment was conducted by Bohlin (1976). Bohlins study manipulated the levels of arousal by having participants to response after a number of trials whilst they were in physiological habituation state. She divided the subjects into three groups, the first group were told to relax when listening to a tone, the second one were given arithmetic tasks to solve and the third one a threat of shock was added to the task performance. Results showed that the Shock-threat group had the highest mean in conductance level and the Relax group had the lowest mean in GS R. Thus, this produces some evidence showing how  increases in task difficulty result in various increases in physiological arousal. These discoveries led to this current experiment were the aim was to replicate the existent findings; that when task difficulty increases individuals arousal increases as well. In addition, to demonstrate the variance between individual responses, for instance some individuals appraise themselves as having high coping potential, therefore engage in the task and complete it successfully and some of them as having low coping potential and appraise their abilities as insufficient and as a result they disengage from the task. Consequently to the past evidence one research hypothesis emerged from them for the present experiment; that there will be a significant increase in galvanic skin response from stage 1 to 5 and to also examine the individual responses as task difficulty increases. Method Design The design that was used in this experiment was a repeated measures design with one independent variable, task difficulty at two levels (easy(1) vs. difficult(5)) and two dependent variables; the Galvanic skin responses and the number of failures that occurred. Participants in the experiment were allocated in a computer lab and had to do all conditions. Eventhough, that there were 5 stages in total, only the easiest and most difficult level were chosen for this analysis. In this experiment a number of controls were used in order to avoid any confounded variables. First of all, the letter appearing on the pizza box was randomly generated therefore discarded any systematic bias introduced from having a particular order of pizza letters. Hence, people could not predict where the pizzas were going because the letter order was not the same. Secondly, , by asking people to stay relaxed and still at the baseline would make sure that everyone was at the same condition, therefore no one would be stressed out and having GSR increase at the easy state and then at the more challenging state not having much increase at the GSR because it was already at a high level . Lastly, all participants were given the same standardised instructions to prevent any extraneous variables and that the letter that appeared on the box was randomly different for everyone. Participants One hundred and two undergraduate Psychology students were asked to take part in a cognitive task as part of their evaluation in the course. They were chosen from an opportunity sample since it was more convenient and easier to gather data from those who were there to do the experiment at the time. All participants had to do all conditions from stage 1 to stage 5 in order to collect the data needed for the analysis. Apparatus The experiment was run in a computer lab. The task that the participants had to take part in was called The Speedy Pizza, the game was developed by University of Huddersfield psychology technicians  utilising  Adobe Flash, PHP and MySql to run  on  PCs, headphones were also used to avoid any replication between participants. Moreover, the Biopac system that was used to  measure GSR via an electrode attached to their fingers using a gel was called  GEL101 isotonic .Finally, the GSR data was recorded on the Biopac systems software that comes with the Biopac as standard. Procedure Every participant was seated in front of a computer where they were given some further explanation about the experiment. They were first given a handout that was to familiarise them with some relevant background of appraisal theory and its main connection with the study. After that, participants entered the game were full instructions were provided, showing in the appendix section. Next they were attached to the Biopac device and started the practise game which lasted a minute. The second minute was the baseline state where markers were placed, by pressing the Esc on the keyboard, (which also lasted 60 seconds) and then systematically after 60 seconds as the task difficulty increased. There were 5 stages that participants had to attend and excel by delivering successfully as many pizzas as possible, whilst the task got more challenging with each stage. By the time they reached to level 5 the number of pizzas that appeared on the conveyor increased greatly as the speed on the conveyor did, making it incredibly difficult. Results Description The outcomes from the above experiment were the following. In Stage 1 GSR in micro-mhos was lower than Stage 5 GSR (mean for stage 1 GSR = 13.15  µÃƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ (SD=7.37 µÃƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾), mean for stage 5 GSR= 14.13 µÃƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ (SD=8.36 µÃƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾). Also, in Stage 1 the amount of failures was less than the amount of failures in Stage 5 (mean failures in stage 1 =.03 SD=.17), mean failures in stage 5= 31.10 (SD=4.18). Moreover, to analyze the data and show the difference in the means between stage 1 and stage 5 in GSR levels and number of failures a repeated measures t-test (two-tailed) was used, but previously the data were checked for normality distribution. The normality assumption for this experiment can be waived since there was a large sample (N=102) (Field, 2009). The t-test displayed a significance difference from the alpha level (p=0.05) (t=3.779, df =101, p Discussion(513) The aim of the experiment was to replicate a time-honoured biopsychology finding which stated that increase in task difficulty results increase in the arousal. Additionally, to relate Pecchinenda and Smiths study (1996) on the appraisal theory, suggested that there may be some individual variations possibly having an impact on the above correlation. Thus, a research hypothesis was assessed; that there will be a significant increase in skin conductance from stage 1 to 5, along with examining individual responses to increasing task difficulty. Furthermore, the outcome that rose from this experiment was that research hypothesis was accepted and it was at the directed predicted, however there were some deviation due to individual differences. The results that we found can be supported by the following theories. First of all, by looking at the Kahnemn, Tursky et al. Study (1969) the outcome that we found was as expected from this theory; that skin conductance indeed increases concurrently as level of difficulty increases. In the present experiment increase was shown when the amount of pizzas on the conveyor was frequent and the speed of the conveyor increased too. Also, arousal increases muscle tension and bias synchronization, therefore extreme levels of arousal can create discomfort (Thompson, 1930). In the experiment it was calculated that participants when they were between stages 3-4 had high levels of GSR that resulted as discomfort and as a consequence participant gave-up by level 5. Moreover, the increase in skin conductance as the task difficulty got more challenging can be sustained by The Inverted U Theory conducted by Yerkes and Dodson (1908) that proposed performance will increase as arousal increases and a po int will be reached where optimal performance is achieved. Further of that point the performance will deteriorate. This explains the general pattern that was observed; as levels got more difficult participants level of arousal increased greatly particularly between stages 3-4 (optimal performance) but dropped dramatically at stage 5.However, there was some diversion from this, where decrease in GSR levels were spotted in 27 participants which can be possibly explained by the appraisal theory. That suggests that individual differences might alter that general pattern, people who estimate the situation as being overwhelming and incredibly difficult disengaged from the task because they felt their abilities were not strong enough. Although, the current experiment was generally as predicted there was a limitation that should be taken into account for further research. The coping potential was not self-reported and this weakens the experiment because it does not sustain the needed experimental conditions for testing the hypothesis regarding to the GSR in the extremely difficult-short conditions. (Pecchinenda and Smith 1996) Furthermore, our experiment considered ethical issues and therefore all participants were given the same standardised instructions, it was also valid and reliable, since it did what it attempted to do and it produces consistent results each time it is used with some variations. In conclusion, the findings of this experiment showed that although in general GSR increase as task difficulty increase, individual differences have an important role in this correlation and might show otherwise.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Negative Leadership Essay -- Leadership

A few years ago I worked at a company that defined the concept of negative leadership. The firm was a start-up company and had a tremendous opportunity for growth, but the potential of the company depended on how the managerial staff and the administration handled the human resources. The company was providing an innovative service for major companies around the world. The company started off well offering the employees prizes for the best monthly performance and a bonus for extra production. "Anyone can say that they have integrity, but a person's actions are the real indicator of their character. Your character determines who you are. Who you are determines what you see. What you see determines what you do. That's why you can never separate a leader's character from his actions. If a leader's actions and intentions are continually working against each other, then look to his character to find out why." (Maxwell, 1999) Everyone in the industry was excited about the prospects of working for this firm. Unfortunately, things turned sour rather quickly, as the leadership team of...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nano Chemistry Essay

1.1 Definition Nanochemistry is concerned with generating and altering chemical systems, which develop special and often new effects as a result of the laws of the nanoworld. The bases for these are chemically active nanometric units such as supramolecules or nanocrystals. Nanochemistry looks set to make a great deal of progress for a large number of industry sectors. Nanotechnology exists in the realm where many scientific disciplines meet. Achievements in physics are getting progressively smaller – from valves to electronics, down to microelectronics and quantum computing. It mirrors the downsizing in focus in the biological sciences, from cells to genomics. Conversely, achievements in chemistry have been converging into the nanometre range from below – from atoms and molecules to supramolecular chemistry. Nanochemisty focuses on the unique properties of materials in the 1–100 nm scale. The physical, chemical, electrical, optical and magnetic properties of these materialsare all significantly different from both the properties of the individual building blocks (individual atoms or molecules), and also from the bulk materials.Nanochemistry is a truly multidisciplinary field, forming a bridge between nanotechnology and biotechnology, spanning the physical and life sciences. The Nanochemistry Research Institute (NRI) at Curtin carries out world-class research to provide innovative solutions to – energy and resources – materials and manufacturing – electronics – agricultural – environmental management, and – health and medical industries Nanochemistry applications in the materials, resources and energy sectors range from the design of crystalline catalysts and the control of crystal size, morphology, phase and purity, to the design and use of additives to control crystallization and inhibit scale formation. In the biological field, control of chemistry at the supramolecular level can lead to the development of a wide variety of new and improved biomaterials, such as artificial bones and tissues, as well as new pharmaceuticals and improved methods of drug delivery.1 ENGINEERING, SCIENCE ‘‘We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they.’’ Bernard of Chartres, 12th century with nanoscience being the discipline concerned with making, manipulating and imaging materials having at least one spatial dimension in the size range 1–1000 nm and nanotechnology being a device or machine, product or process, based upon individual or multiple integrated nanoscale components, then what is nanochemistry? In its broadest terms, the de.ning feature of nanochemistry is the utilization of synthetic chemistry to make nanoscale building blocks of different size and shape, composition and surface structure, charge and functionality. These building blocks may be useful in their own right. Or in a self-assembly construction process, spontaneous, directed by templates or guided by chemically or lithographically de.ned surface patterns, they may form architectures that perform an intelligent function and portend a particular use.2 1.2 Objective of nanochemistry – Creating nanoparticles – Allowing properties of nanosystems to evolve, manipulating and controlling them – Encapsulating and transporting materials (e.g. deodorant with nanodroplets)4 1.3 Nanochemistry used in: – – Cosmetics, e.g. sunscreen, toothpaste, skincare products – Sanitary ware – Built-in ovens and baking trays – Gas-tight packaging – Screens, photographic films – Separating technology for waste water treatment and food production – Catalysers for chemical reactions – Exhaust purification5 It is also used in formation of :- – Commercialization of nanochemicals – Nanooxides of precious, ferromagnetic, rare metals (Ti, Zr etc.) Nanopolymers and membranes – Nanomaterials (cement, fertilizers) – Nanopowders in chemical applications – Nanogreen chemistry – Nano energy applications – Environmental applications of nanotechnology When thinking about self-assembly of a targeted structure from the spontaneous organization of building blocks with dimensions that are beyond the sub-nanometer scale of most molecules or macromolecules, there are five prominent principles that need to be taken into consideration. These are: (i) building blocks, scale, shape, surface structure, (ii) attractive and repulsive interactions between building blocks, equilibrium separation, (iii) reversible association–dissociation and/or adaptable motion of building blocks in assembly, lowest energy structure, (iv) building block interactions with solvents, interfaces, templates, (v) building-blocks dynamics, mass transport and agitation. A challenge for perfecting structures made by this kind of self-assembly chemistry is to .nd ways of synthesizing (bottom-up) or fabricating (top-down) building blocks not only with the right composition but also having the same size and shape. No matter which way building blocks are made they are never truly monodisperse, nless they happen to be single atoms or molecules. There always exists a degree of polydispersity in their size and shape, which is manifest in the achievable degree of structural perfection of the assembly and the nature and population of defects in the assembled system. Equally demanding is to make building blocks with a particular surface structure, charge and functionality. Surface properties will control the interactions between building blocks as well as with their environment, which ultimately determines the geometry and distances at which building blocks come to equilibrium in a self-assembled system. Relative motion between building blocks facilitates collisions between them, whilst energetically allowed aggregation deaggregation processes and corrective movements of the self-assembled structure will allow it to attain the most stable form. 6 Providing the building blocks are not too strongly bound in the assembly it will be able to adjust to an orderly structure. If on the other hand the building blocks in the assembly are too strongly interacting, they will be unable to adjust their relative positions within the assembly and a less 1 ordered structure will result. Dynamic effects involving building blocks and assemblies can occur in the liquid phase, at an air/liquid or liquid/liquid interface, on the surface of a substrate or within a template co-assembly. As this text describes, building blocks can be made out of most known organic, inorganic, polymeric, and hybrid materials. Creative ways of making spheres and cubes, sheets and discs, wires and tubes, rings and spirals, with nm to cm dimensions, abound in the materials self-assembly literature. They provide the basic construction modules for materials self-assembly over all scales, a new way of synthesizing electronic, optical, photonic, magnetic materials with hierarchical structures and complex form, which is the central theme running throughout this chapter. A .owchart describing these main ideas is shown in igure 1. Nano-, a pre.x denoting a factor, its origin in the Greek nanos, meaning dwarf. The term is often associated with the time interval of a nanosecond, a billionth of a second, and the length scale of a nanometer, a billionth of a meter or 10 A  ° . In its broadest terms, nanoscience and nanotechnology congers up visions of making, imaging, manipulating and utilizing things really small. Feynman’s prescient nano world ‘‘on the head of a pin’’ inspires scientists and technologists to venture into this uncharted nano-terrain to do something big with something small.7 1.4 Large and Small Nanomaterials It was not so long ago in the world of molecules and materials that 1 nm (1 nm  ¼ 10 A  ° ) was considered large in chemistry while 1 m m (1 m m  ¼ 1000 nm  ¼ 10,000 A  ° ) was considered small in engineering physics. Matter residing in the ‘‘fuzzy interface’’ between these large and small extremes of length scales emerged as the science of nanoscale materials and has grown into one of the most exciting and vibrant fields of endeavor, showing all the signs of having a revolutionary impact on materials as we know them today. In our time, ‘‘nano’’ has left the science reservation and entered the industrial technology consciousness and public and political perception. Indeed, bulk materials can be remodeled through bottom-up synthetic chemistry and top-down engineering physics strategies as nanomaterials in two main ways, the first by reducing one or more of their physical dimensions to the nanoscale and the second by providing them with nanoscale porosity. When talking about finely divided and porous forms of nanostructured matter, it is found that ‘‘nanomaterials characteristically exhibits physical and chemical properties different from the bulk as a consequence of having at least one spatial dimension in the size range of 1–1000 nm’’.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Impact of western culture on india Essay

since Indian people are becoming more modernized. They totally get involved in style and want to look trendy. They get annoyed hearing Indian music which have Ragas, Talas which give us pleasure. But on the other hand the GEN-Y’ers only like pop, rock and hip-hop. India offers a number of classical dance each of which can be traced to different parts of the country and because of the western outlook most of them tend to follow it. Some festivals are associated with renowned historical or cultural places like the Khajrao festival, Taj Mahoutsav, etc. we must give equal importance to the Indian culture as we are Indians and shouldn’t let any culture to come in our way. Jai Hind! Yes I think the Indian culture is influenced by the western culture. Today’s generation thinks that knowing their own culture is something to be ashamed of. Children want to be modern to keep their respect high. They don’t know the value of India’s heritage and culture. Indians are depleting their own culture. 14. Compile the books of prayers, songs, and stories, and with translations, and make them available to everyone. 5. Make the proper and benevolent images to worship where and when it is helpful. 6. Construct centers for prayer, worship, and practice. Such centers are the basis of preserving the culture and offering education in them. 7. Congregate together regularly, and be supportive toward one another. 8. Celebrate and enjoy your festivals, and know and discuss the meaning of them so they are not lost, and be willing to share the beauty and joy of them with all others. 9. In a friendly way, encourage others you know to participate as the basis of a united community. 10. Recognize the need to be pro-active in working to keep your culture. Join or form the organizations that help you preserve and protect your culture. 11. Establish the means or campaign that will assist people to realize the value of their own spiritual heritage. 12. Form political action committees to (A) make sure politicians are aware of your issues, (B) to make sure that they are representing you properly, and (C) to unite voters to bring in a better political representative for the indigenous culture or vote out those who are ineffective. 13. A group should be established in every town and village, if possible, to encourage people in this way. 14. Come together in groups regularly to participate in and discuss your culture, and develop the ways of defending it, especially when it is under attack or threatened by conversion groups who are under a foreign influence. 15. Also recognize the need for true harmony and unity, and know that a true religion or spiritual path does not create disharmony by dividing people into the â€Å"sinners† and the â€Å"saved† simply because of following different religions or spiritual traditions. 16. There must also be the maturity to balance the old traditions with any new modifications. 17. Unite with other organizations, groups, or village tribes who have similar interests and concerns for cultural preservation, and share information and support with other groups. 18. Start your own schools. Write or compile teacher’s guide books on ways to teach children and The word CULTURE has been derived from a French word CULTURA which means to cultivate, to till, to grow. Therefore culture is a process of growth through the means of education, discipline, training etc.. Western and Indian cultures are diametrically opposed. The reason for this is that western culture is based on the principles of MATERIALISM, whereas Indian culture is based on the tenets and principles of SPIRITUALISM. Materialism stands for worldly possessions, wealth, canons of economics, material gains etc., whereas spiritualism stands for moral values, ethics, scruples, virtues and the power to distinguish between right and wrong, between good and evil, between correct and incorrect etc. It is essential to have material possessions in this world. It is a source of sustenance. It is a must to have economic advancement and liberalisation alongwith globalisation. Scientific advancement is another sphere where India as a country needs to deve CHEERS†, and the party starts. With booze, fags and skimpily dressed girls who move their bodies to be the cynosure and to attract males. Everyone is wearing branded clothes, imported watches, designer accessories and what not. These things have become the necessities of the Indian youth and even the older generations. A father-son duo sitting together and enjoying their drinks, women going to pubs and discos and getting involved in obscene acts and girls taking their boyfriends to their homes to have a jolly time with parents and otherwise too. What can one infer after reading the above lines? I guess, the first answer would be that India is changing over the course of time. India, as the name flickers, one thinks of religion, traditions, art and culture and it’s apt to think so because India is the country which is famous for its diversity in these aspects. The land where the great Raja Ram Mohan, Tagore, Gandhi transformed the thinking of people and removed the social stigmas like sati pratha (the practice of widows being forced to sit on the pior of their husbands), untouchability and many more. India was known as â€Å"Sone Ki Chidiya† (The Golden Bird) but the shine has faded away gradually with the change in I, YOU and WE. Indian society has evolved into a mixed breed of Western and Indian culture. People are becoming too much casual in both their personal and professional lives, how a â€Å"Good Morning Madam† has now become â€Å"Hi Diksha†, how a â€Å"Namaste Daadu† has become â€Å"Hey Grandpa†, courtesy the western culture. The western culture has proved to be a setback for Indian culture, its rituals, its traditions and mannerism. The Indian morning which used to begin with bhajans and kirtans now begins with the rock of Metallica and the punk of Greenday. The age of losing virginity has gone down to teens — following the western culture, these days it has become a casual and usual trend to lose virginity as teenagers. The way in which Hollywood movies have created an†¦ [continues] Preserve articles Essay on the impact of western culture on India Civilizations do meet and even merge but never has such an impact been witnessed as the impact of the west on India. A Birdseye view of the Indian scenario would depict a miniature or a distorted West in India. The impact has been so great and so deep that, wherever we go, and, as far as the eye can see, we notice only western modes and we are for a moment set to wonder if we are in India or in some western country. Impact of cultures is felt elsewhere also and this is bound to be, when two people or two societies or two countries meet but, neither leaves its own system wholesale as in India. This is a unique feature in India only, where the culture of the west has penetrated so deep and far and wide that, the original Indian culture has got lost somewhere. To find western impact on India we do not have to go far to seek. Each and every home, each and every sphere of life has been completely influenced by the west that it is difficult to recognize what is Indian in India. Our food, and food habits, our dresses, our dances, our songs, our music, our life style are all of the western pattern. One often wonders whether where we live is India, or a colony of the west? The influence is also changing our education system. In schools, the language most prominent is English and not Hindi. The medium of instruction is also English, so far so good. However, the sad part of this system is that, the schools that lay more stress on Hindi, or use the Hindi Medium of instruction, are known to be second rate schools. Thus, we have not only adopted the British ways but we also appreciate them only. The height of it all is seen when see that, a person who can communicate in English is known to be smarter than a person who cannot. This volume of change is not understandable. It implies that, not only have we taken to western styles, we also admire only them who follow the western styles, in comparison to those who follow the Indian styles. This much influence is not only unwarranted but also shameful. It has often been seen that countries do adopt methods of other countries but in doing so, they maintain their own identity. The loss of the identity is only found in India. To a great extent the influence of the British can be well understood as, we have remained slaves to them for two centuries. This much may be excused, but to revolt if anything Indian or anything indigenous is being introduced cannot be forgiven at all. This only points to the ugly fact that, we have got independence from the British only physically and politically but, mentally and culturally the onslaught on India has been complete. We, even to-day, remain culturally and mentally bonded to the west. Whenever anything Indian is talked about there is an attitude of derision for it, even in the highest echelons of society This indicates a full and complete degeneration of Indian culture and its total merger with the culture of the west. In my view, it is good to learn whatever is good anywhere, but, to learn a thing just because it is of the west only depicts a crumbled and shattered state of the Indian mind. We must learn to sort out and learn what is good elsewhere and maintain what is good in us. If we do this we can have the best of all – and that is what on intelligent person or community should be doing – alas India has not done it and got lost in the labyrinth of western notions at the cost of all that was ours. Culture† and â€Å"Tradition† are more significant in a country like India which has always been cherishing its rich culture and heritage and it’s quite well known for it worldwide. But these things are just on paper and are slowly losing their sheen. Why? India is known by her people. We, the younger generation are the representatives of India in a true sense of the word. Even in history, we come across various incidents where the youth took the lead to bring about a change and get India independence from the British rule. We, the Indian youth have always been the power and pride of India. We are the sole cherishers of India’s pride and its heritage which actually lies in its culture, its diversity, its uniqueness. In such a scenario, where the point of a rich cultured country like India is facing the problem of losing its culture, are we, the youth; the Indian youth not ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS? Are we not putting our own self image, our self respect, our mother India’s pride at stake by doing so? Just think about it my dear friends. There is no problem as such when we follow the western culture to some extent. The problem is we are forgetting our culture to a greater extent. Why should we do so? 21st century youth doesn’t mean forgetting the motherland and following or in short adopting western lifestyle in totality . Every culture has its own pros and cons. We individuals should be strong enough to take the good and throw off the bad. But what are we doing now? It’s a shame to see that â€Å"India’s pride†; â€Å"We Indian Youth† doesn’t have even a bit of importance for India’s pride and heritage, its culture; and we are easily influenced by western culture. Right from our clothing, till the music, the films, our attitude, our lifestyle, in short every aspect of our life has totally changed. â€Å"Change doesn’t happen on its own; it’s we who bring about the change.† But by this change, our mother India has lost its sheen and beauty; its place; its uniqueness in the†¦ [continues] Is Western Culture dominating India Culture Now we are in 21st century ,if we compare the culture which means the way we live,the way we love,the way we give respect to yelders and teachers,the food we eat,the way we dress,etc., of the 20th century I can say that the western culture is not dominating but going to dominate unique Indian culture. Today youth occupy most of the population of our country. Youth contribute to the uniqueness of any nation.Our nation has its uniqueness in its culture through the world.Most of the countries respect our culture. But for a doveloping country like India some of the western principles are necessary to make it dovelprd country.This reason is making our youth attracted to the bad part of western culture such as late night pubs,shorts,western music,etc which is giving them a great intellectual freedom. All these results in this present discussion of Domination of culture. Some of the citizens of the nation are supporting the western culture by saying that without the western culture no country will become developed.I agree with them up to some extent because a country should have to adapt foreign principles up to which the people of nation doesn’t get spoiled bi it. There is a saying of Mahathma Gandhi that â€Å"Open the doors and windows of the house to get fresh air from them to makes us good but not to flew away by heavy wind†. So I can say finally that we should adapt the positive side of the foreign culture which makes us developed and oppose its negative side†¦ [continues] The culture of India has been shaped not only by its long history, unique geography and diverse demography, but also by its ancient heritages. Regarded by some historians as the â€Å"oldest living civilization of Earth†, the Indian tradition dates back to 8,000 BC and has a continuous recorded history for over 2,500 years. But due to the increasing development†¦ Due to globalization†¦ the rich culture of India is disappearing. The most impact is of western culture on India culture. Western culture is based more on materialistic factors where as our culture has a spiritual base. The culture of India is been disappearing by many ways†¦ the youths in India do not respect their elders, the families in India live separate†¦ And thus have lost contacts with their other relatives†¦ the big point which is making the culture of India to disappear in bollywood†¦ the dressing style of the actresses, the slang word used in movies are been influenced the youth to bad step of life. The young ones try to act the same as these actors do which is very bad to the culture of India†¦ the lack of morals, the lacking faith in God, having late night parties, the influence of drugs and alcohols, least interest in Indian languages like Sanskrit, Hindi, Celebrating mothers day, fathers day, valentine day, fools day etc rather than celebrating our Indian festivals and thus wasting their precious time of life, Thinking to be independent at an early age so I strongly say that accept good from that and try to know our Indian culture more than u definitely change mind.. Thnkyou! 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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Using Se with Spanish Verbs To Express the English Passive Voice

Using 'Se' with Spanish Verbs To Express the English Passive Voice If youre new to learning Spanish, you might easily be confused by some of the signs you see in a Spanish-speaking area: SE VENDEN ORO Y PLATASE SIRVE DESAYUNOSE ALQUILA Translate the words the best you can, or type them into a portable translating device, and you very well could end up with translations such as these: Gold and silver sell themselves. Breakfast serves itself. It rents itself. Se Used for Type of Passive Voice Obviously, those literal translations dont make much sense. But once you become familiar with the language, you realize that such usages of se and verbs are quite common and are used to indicate objects being acted upon without stating who or what is doing the action. That explanation might be a mouthful, but we do the same thing in English, only in a different way. For example, take a sentence such as The car was sold. Who did the selling? Out of context, we dont know. Or consider a sentence such as The key was lost. Who lost the key? Well, we probably know, but not from that sentence! In English, we call such verb usages the passive voice. It is the opposite of the active voice, which would be used in sentences such as John sold the car or I lost the shoe. In those sentences we are told who is performing the action. But in the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is acted upon by someone (or something) rather than being the one performing the action. Spanish does have a true passive voice corresponding to the English one: El coche fue vendido (The car was sold) and el zapato fue perdido (the shoe was lost) are two examples, but it isnt used nearly as much as in English. Much more common is use of the third-person reflexive verb form, which uses the pronoun se. (Dont confuse se with sà ©, which means I know or sometimes you be as a command.) Rather than saying that something is done to something, Spanish speakers have the object doing it to itself. Se Passive Shouldn't Be Translated Literally Thus, se venden oro y plata, although translated literally would mean gold and silver sell themselves, can be understood to mean gold and silver are sold or even gold and silver for sale, neither of which specify who is doing the selling. Se sirve desayuno means breakfast is served. And se alquila, which might be seen as a sign on a building or object, means simply for rent. Keep in mind that the grammatical function of such reflexive verb forms is to avoid stating who or what is performing the action, or simply to recognize that the performer of the action isnt important. And there are ways of doing that in English other than using the passive voice. As an example, look at the following sentence in Spanish: Se dice que never. Literally, such a sentence would mean it says itself that it will snow, which doesnt make sense. Using a passive construction, we might translate this sentence as it is said that it will snow, which is perfectly understandable. But a more natural way of translating this sentence, at least in informal usage, would be they say it will snow. They here doesnt refer to specific people. Other sentences can be translated similarly. Se venden zapatos en el mercado, they sell shoes in the market (or, shoes are sold in the market).  ¿Se comen mariscos en Uruguay? Do they eat seafood in Uruguay? Or, is seafood eaten in Uruguay? Sometimes in English we also use one or an impersonal you where a Spanish speaker might use a se construction. For example, se puede encontrar zapatos en el marcado. A translation in passive form would be shoes can be found in the market. But we could also say one can find shoes in the market or even you can find shoes in the market. Or, se tiene que beber mucha agua en el desierto could be translated as one has to drink a lot of water in the desert or you have to drink a lot of water in the desert. The you in such cases doesnt mean the person being spoken to, but rather it refers to people in general. It is important to keep such meanings of English sentences in mind when translating to Spanish. You might be misunderstood if you were to use the Spanish pronoun usted to translate you in the above sentences. (It is possible to use usted or tà º to mean a kind of impersonal you as in the English sentence, but such usage is less common in Spanish than English.) Key Takeaways Reflexive verbs using se are often used to form a type of passive voice, which avoids saying directly who or what is performing the verbs action.This usage should not be translated literally to English, as that would result in phrases such as it sells itself or it lost itself.Spanish has a true passive voice that uses the form ser past participle, but it is used much less often than the English equivalent.

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Short History of the Great Depression

A Short History of the Great Depression The Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1941,  was a severe economic downturn caused by  an overly-confident,  over-extended stock market and a drought that struck the South.   In an attempt to end the Great Depression, the U.S. government took  unprecedented direct action to help  stimulate the economy. Despite this help, it was  the increased production needed for ​World War II that finally ended the Great Depression. The Stock Market Crash After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed and the official beginning of the Great Depression. As stock prices plummeted with no hope of recovery, panic struck. Masses and masses of people tried to sell their stock, but no one was buying. The stock market, which had appeared to be the surest way to become rich, quickly became the path to bankruptcy. And yet, the Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed. Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across the country. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close. Since there was no way for a banks clients to recover any of their savings once the bank had closed, those who didnt reach the bank in time also became bankrupt. 1:44 Watch Now: What Led to the Great Depression? Unemployment Businesses and industry were also affected. Despite President Herbert Hoover asking businesses to maintain their wage rates, many businesses, having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, started cutting back their workers hours or wages.  In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods. This lack of consumer spending caused additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers. Some businesses couldnt stay open even with these cuts and soon closed their doors, leaving all their workers unemployed. Unemployment was a huge problem during the Great Depression. From 1929 to 1933, the unemployment rate in the United States rose from  3.2% to the incredibly high 24.9%- meaning that one out of every four people were out of work.   PhotoQuest / Getty Images The Dust Bowl In previous depressions, farmers were usually safe from the severe effects of the depression because they could at least feed themselves. Unfortunately, during the Great Depression, the Great Plains were hit hard with both a drought and horrendous dust storms, creating what became known as the Dust Bowl. Years and years of overgrazing combined with the effects of a drought caused the grass to disappear. With just topsoil exposed, high winds picked up the loose dirt and whirled it for miles. The dust storms destroyed everything in their paths, leaving farmers without their crops. Small farmers were hit especially hard. Even before the dust storms hit, the invention of the tractor drastically cut the need for manpower on farms. These small farmers were usually already in debt, borrowing money for seed and paying it back when their crops came in. When the dust storms damaged the crops, not only could the small farmer not feed himself and his family, he could not pay back his debt. Banks would then foreclose on the small farms and the farmers family would be both homeless and unemployed. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images Riding the Rails During the Great Depression, millions of people were out of work across the United States. Unable to find another job locally, many unemployed people hit the road, traveling from place to place, hoping to find some work. A few of these people had cars, but most hitchhiked or rode the rails. A large portion of the people who rode the rails were teenagers, but there were also older men, women, and entire families who traveled in this manner. They would board freight trains and crisscross the country, hoping to find a job in one of the towns along the way. When there was a job opening, there were often literally a thousand people applying for the same job. Those who werent lucky enough to get the job would perhaps stay in a shantytown (known as Hoovervilles) outside of town. Housing in the shantytown was built out of any material that could be found freely, like driftwood, cardboard, or even newspapers. The farmers who had lost their homes and land usually headed west to California, where they heard rumors of agricultural jobs. Unfortunately, although there was some seasonal work, the conditions for these families were transient and hostile. Since many of these farmers came from Oklahoma and Arkansas, they were called the derogatory names of Okies and Arkies. (The stories of these migrants to California were immortalized in the fictional book, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.) Roosevelt and the New Deal The U.S. economy broke down and entered the Great Depression during the presidency of Herbert Hoover. Although President Hoover repeatedly spoke of optimism, the people blamed him for the Great Depression. Just as the shantytowns were named Hoovervilles after him, newspapers became known as Hoover blankets, pockets of pants turned inside out (to show they were empty) were called Hoover flags, and broken-down cars pulled by horses were known as Hoover wagons. During the 1932 presidential election, Hoover did not stand a chance at reelection and Franklin D. Roosevelt won in a landslide. People of the United States had high hopes that President Roosevelt would be able to solve all their woes. As soon as Roosevelt took office, he closed all the banks and only let them reopen once they were stabilized. Next, Roosevelt began to establish programs that became known as the New Deal. These New Deal programs were most commonly known by their initials, which reminded some people of alphabet soup. Some of these programs were aimed at helping farmers, like the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration). While other programs, such as the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) and the WPA (Works Progress Administration), attempted to help curb unemployment by hiring people for various projects. The End of the Great Depression To many at the time, President Roosevelt was a hero. They believed that he cared deeply for the common man and that he was doing his best to end the Great Depression. Looking back, however, it is uncertain as to how much Roosevelts New Deal programs helped to end the Great Depression. By all accounts, the New Deal programs eased the hardships of the Great Depression; however, the U.S. economy was still extremely bad by the end of the 1930s. The major turn-around for the U.S. economy occurred after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the entrance of the United States into World War II. Once the U.S. was involved in the war, both people and industry became essential to the war effort. Weapons, artillery, ships, and airplanes were needed quickly. Men were trained to become soldiers and the women were kept on the home front to keep the factories going. Food needed to be grown for both the homefront and to send overseas. It was ultimately the entrance of the U.S. into World War II that ended the Great Depression in the United States.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

6 Writers Programs for Student to Use While Handling a Paper

6 Writers Programs for Student to Use While Handling a Paper 6 Writers Programs for Student to Use While Handling a Paper When you’re writing a paper, it’s pretty challenging to focus on all the requirements at once while you’re also thinking about grammar, spelling, punctuation, and of course, great writing. Most students use some kind of writer’s programs, while creating their papers to help them keep track of all the essential elements of a good paper. Here are some of the best writer’s programs that you can use to get excellent grades with ease. 1. WriteMonkey Are you easily distracted when you are trying to write a paper? WriteMonkey features an extremely simple user interface that utilizes a markdown so you can format, classify, and link as you are actually typing. While many writers like using WriteMonkey to create blog posts or print publications, it works well for your student papers too. 2. LibreOffice Love the concept and design of Microsoft Word, but don’t want to shell out more than $100 to get it? Try LibreOffice, a completely free open-source alternative that includes a variety of templates for all of your word processing needs. If your professor and fellow classmates are all using Microsoft Word, this is an excellent choice for you (and you will not have to pay a dime). 3. Hemingway If you want to go beyond a simple check of your grammar, spelling, and punctuation, Hemingway may become your new best friend. It will let you know which simpler alternatives to use instead of a complex phrase. It will help you see, by clearly highlighting them, which of your sentences are difficult to read. If you are prone to the passive voice or adverbs you don’t really need or any other common writing flaws, it will alert you instantly so you can edit your piece. 4. FreeMind Have you ever heard about mind mapping? It’s the latest and greatest to get your ideas organized before you ever begin writing. If you are a newbie to the mind mapping world, FreeMind might be overly complex for you; if you’re an experienced thought-lover, you may find it to be incredibly useful. It’s not really the kind of program you’ll want when you’re just writing a short paper, but for longer and more complex writing projects it’s just the ticket. 5. SmartEdit Unless you have a proofreader buddy, who’s willing to wade through the swamp of heinous grammar and awkward syntax, whom you’re calling to check your first draft, you need SmartEdit. It’s a Microsoft Word add-on that will check all of that nitty-gritty detailed stuff for you – again, as you go – so that you can make your first draft your last one as well. 6. ProWritingEdit Are you super serious about making sure that you’re turning in only the finest quality work? Try ProWritingAid, which takes proofreading to the max. You can use it as a standalone program by copying and pasting your text into a dialogue box on the web or use it as an add-on to word processing software like Microsoft Word. It looks at an enormous list of potential problems, including sentence length, redundancies, pacing issues, eloquence (or lack thereof!), â€Å"sticky sentences,† and corporate wording. We know that no one is perfect, and we can say that there is no perfect paper writer in the whole world. But we can do our best. Grab these programs that will consult you in any tricky situation helping you get acquainted with your common mistakes in writing. Believe in yourself, reach this damn goal, and become the best in your class.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Create a security policy - Please read instructions Essay - 1

Create a security policy - Please read instructions - Essay Example increasingly important in organizations all over the world since the usage of internet has increased in all organizations and so as the problems that organizations may face if they do not properly monitor web usage of their employees. 1 Rubric Company is an advertising agency that has been in operation for more than 10 years now. As an advertising agency, policies in the organization have been quite lax especially in the case of internet use. Keeping in view, the excessive use of internet and internet related downloads; the management has been brought to consider the importance of responsible web usage. The objective of this policy is thus to ensure that the employees within the organization conduct a responsible behavior in terms of web usage. Responsible web usage policy has become increasingly important in organizations all over the world since the usage of internet has increased in all organizations and so as the problems that organizations may face if they do not properly monitor web usage of their employees. Rubric Company is an advertising agency operating for more than 10 years in Destin, Florida. The company has rapidly expanding its business and has developed a strong presence in the market. It has steadily been gaining clients of all kinds but the main clients of Rubric Company are restaurants in the area that want to advertise their company or want an up gradation on their menu designs. When the owner and CEO of the company, Chad Michaels opened up Rubric Company, he started from a small office in his own home but with his hard work and that of his fellow workers, he was able to quickly expand business. Within a year, Chad Michaels was able to break even on his company. Since Destin is mainly a tourist’s attraction, the company receives various small design jobs throughout the year and especially in the summer. Along with providing design services, the company also provides PR services and content writing services for some of its major clients.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Wave power renewable energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wave power renewable energy - Essay Example In the similar manner, wind energy converts the wind to energy. On the other hand, non renewable energy resources utilize fossil fuel resources like coal, petroleum oil and natural gas to produce energy. Non renewable energy resources produce immense amount of green house emissions. Non renewable energy resources are going to end one day but renewable energy resources are not going t end till the end of the earth. The prices of oil and gas are rising day by day and renewable energy resources are free for all. Wave energy is also a renewable form of energy has several advantages over on renewable energy resources. Wave energy converts the hydrodynamic energy of the waves to a usable energy form (mostly electricity). Waves are formed due to the impact of the high winds on the surface of oceans. When a wave id formed an immense amount of water is forced to displace. The displacement of the water can be changes to energy. Wave energy is a renewable form of energy as it produces no green house gas emission and requires no fuel to generate energy (Henderson, 2006, p.271). Several methods are utilized to convert the wave energy to electricity. One method of the wave energy conversion is to utilize the high surge of air blasting through an enclosed air trapping body. The high surge of air rotates the air turbine with an immense power. The turbine is directly connected to an alternator r generator that converts the mechanical energy to electrical energy (Australian Ethical, 2014). Other methods include the hydraulic pressure generation, hydroelectric turbine generation and linear generator. The power generation method utilizing the hydraulics captures the wave energy by using the submerged wave columns. When a wave comes, water is hydraulically pressured by the water columns to move the turbine blades directly from the high pressurized water or utilized to be filled in a reservoir. The water from

Hospitality marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hospitality marketing - Essay Example Quality is the first competitive advantage building block, which is defined as the manner in which a product is perceived by the market in relation to competitor products. Superior quality gives a product a competitive advantage compared to competitor products. Superior quality includes reliability, durability, quality design, and image. Quality is essential because customers prefer organizations which are reputed for offering superior quality products. The second competitive advantage building block is efficiency, which is defined as the rate at which an organization carries out its operations. Superior efficiency means that the organization will produce and market a large number of products within a short duration using minimal amount of organizational resources. Superior efficiency is necessary because it enables an organization to produce and supply products when demanded; hence, sustaining its supply chain. Third on the list of the building blocks is customer responsiveness. This can be described as the manner and speed in which the organization meets customers’ needs. An organization with superior customer responsiveness is that which is quick to act on customer needs and ensures that they are satisfied. This is vital because it enables an organization to always meet the needs of its customers. The last principal building block of competitive advantage is innovation. This can be described as undertaking strategic activities to find new and better products, and new work routines that will increase the organization’s efficiency. Innovation is critical because it enables the organization to keep up with the ever-changing tastes and preferences of the customers. Therefore, an innovative organization has a competitive advantage in the industry because it has the potential of offering products which have not been produced before. Building blocks can be utilized in marketing techniques in various ways. To

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Kemalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Kemalism - Essay Example This is the official cult. His biography is read like hagiography of saints. After more than half a century after his death most of the Turks with bated breath speak about the penetrating gaze of his blue eyes, his tireless energy, strength of mind and indomitable will. Mustafa Kemal was born in Thessaloniki in Greece. At that time the area was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. His father was a middle-ranking customs official, his mother - a peasant. After a difficult childhood, lived in poverty due to early death of his father, the boy entered the Salonica Military School, then the Monastir Military High School and in 1889, finally, the Ottoman Military Academy in Istanbul. There, in addition to military disciplines, Kemal studied the works of Rousseau, Voltaire, Hobbes and other philosophers and thinkers that certainly influenced his views. At the age of 20, during training, Kemal and his friends joined a secret revolutionary society - Vatan ve Hà ¼rriyet (Motherland and Liberty). Failing to come to understanding with the other members of the society, Kemal left Vatan and joined the Committee of Union and Progress, which has collaborated with the movement of the Young Turks (Turkish bourgeois revolutionary movement, setting a task to replace the sultan’s autocracy with constitutional order). Kemal was personally acquainted with many key figures in the Young Turk movement and was involved in the coup in 1908. At the outbreak of the World War I, Kemal, who despised the Germans, was shocked by the fact that the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire became their ally. However, in spite of the personal views, he skillfully commanded the troops entrusted to him. So, in Gallipoli, in April 1915, he blunted the attack of the British forces several weeks, earning the nickname â€Å"Savior of Istanbul†. It was one of the few victories of the Turks in the war. He told his subordinates not only to attack but to die. It is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data Essay - 1

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data - Essay Example Additionally, the policies, contracts and standards illustrated in this policy affects the entire BIDMC staff, provisional staff, autonomous contractors, representatives, as well as additional IT clients, anywhere could be positioned across the corporation (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). In addition, one of very important features of the BIDMC security and privacy policy is to improve and optimally augment the overall working and operational security of the corporate confidential/ownership data and details. Additionally, this policy encompasses clear guidelines for proper establishment of information security management and privacy protection (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). Afterward there are some improvised strategies for the overall protection and management of the prohibited activities at the workplace. Additionally, there is a proper code of ethics that needs to be followed for the better management of the privacy all through the organization (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). Moreover, the BIDMC’s security and privacy policy ensures the denial of big sized file sharing over the business network.

Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Literature review Example The Chinese government has legalised informal financing with the conditions that the money must not be raised from the general public and the maximum rate of interest must not exceed quadruple of the interest charged by formal institutions. Since ROSCAs typically fix the interest through bidding among the potential loan receivers, they exceed the interest limit of the government and are thus considered illegal and operate under cover (Chen, 2003; OECD Publishing,  2005; Li and Hsu, 2009). Informal lending institutions are officially allowed to charge much higher than formal lending institutions, which is why the cost of borrowing from such sources becomes very expensive. Judging by their resources and capabilities, this puts additional financial burden on private businesses. However, most of the loan applications by private businesses to banks and financial institutions get rejected primarily on grounds of absence of a previous credit history, sufficient collaterals and guarantee o f repayment. Thus, whereas formal lending institutions shy away from granting loans to private businesses, the credit crunch created due to non-availability of finance is being increasingly tended to by informal lenders. The article tries to get an insight into the financial system of China and analyses the dynamics of formal and informal financial institutions (Tanaka and Molnar, 2008). Research and Analysis The literature primarily wants to estimate the sizes of formal and informal lending markets, the criteria based on which loans are granted in each of these markets and the propensity of private businesses to borrow from the formal and informal lending institutions. To fulfil its objectives, the authors Kensuke Tanaka and Margit Molnar primarily use data from modified copy of a 2002 survey, conducted on 2500 private enterprises in China by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, modified by Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2004 (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 200 4). Using the data, the authors have drawn a perspective of the finance industry of China as given below: Business size by sales (million ?) upto 1 1 to 3 3 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 50 more than 50 Businesses with borrowed funds 46% 57% 61% 64% 71% 58% Borrowings from formal lenders 14% 23% 28% 35% 44% 36% Borrowings from informal lenders 20% 18% 15% 12% 10% 8% Informal borrowings in products sector 23% 24% 20% 26% 9% 4% Informal borrowings in services sector 44% 35% 9% 12% 12% 9% The authors find that informal lenders are a significant source of finance for small private businesses, since formal lenders find them the riskiest due to unavailability of past credit history. Moreover, borrowing from informal lenders is more rampant in services sector than the products sector, chiefly because they have less tangible goods to keep as collateral. The authors compare the calculations with the findings of a survey conducted by Central Finance University that stated that the least developed area s of China (which coincidentally host the smallest private businesses) have the highest share of credit from informal lenders (Central Finance University of China, 2005). Next, the authors try to understand the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data Essay - 1

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data - Essay Example Additionally, the policies, contracts and standards illustrated in this policy affects the entire BIDMC staff, provisional staff, autonomous contractors, representatives, as well as additional IT clients, anywhere could be positioned across the corporation (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). In addition, one of very important features of the BIDMC security and privacy policy is to improve and optimally augment the overall working and operational security of the corporate confidential/ownership data and details. Additionally, this policy encompasses clear guidelines for proper establishment of information security management and privacy protection (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). Afterward there are some improvised strategies for the overall protection and management of the prohibited activities at the workplace. Additionally, there is a proper code of ethics that needs to be followed for the better management of the privacy all through the organization (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). Moreover, the BIDMC’s security and privacy policy ensures the denial of big sized file sharing over the business network.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Plato's Reply to Glaucon's First Objection that Justice Is No More Term Paper

Plato's Reply to Glaucon's First Objection that Justice Is No More than a Compromise - Term Paper Example Politicians interpret justice in one way and sociologists and philosophers interpret it in another way. Different religions and different cultures have different views about justice. For example, capital punishment is an accepted way of punishing criminals in some of the most advanced societies like United Sates. However, it is prohibited in many other countries. Buddhists do believe that killing of a person or an animal under any circumstances is an inhuman and injustice act whereas some other communities do believe that killing of enemies of their culture or community is an acceptable act. In short, justice is interpreted in different ways by different people. Plato has argued that justice is no more than compromise as a reply to Glaucon’s first objection. This paper critically analyses the claims of Plato. â€Å"For Glaucon, stripping him of everything but his justice simply equates to removing his reputation and all the good things which accrue to him from that. Any good he achieves is another’s good, and why should anyone care about that† (Brown, p.54). Glaucon argued that one of the major consequences of justice is happiness. In other words, granting of justice will make a person happier at the expense of another person. For example, suppose capital punishment is provided to a criminal who brutally raped a female. This punishment may give happiness to the victim even though it provides displeasure to the offender. In other words, justice can be provided only at the expense of another person according to the views of Glaucon. In response to Glaucon’s argument, Plato replied that justice is no more than a compromise. In other words, justice is a compromise between good and evil. It should be noted that "in any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit† (The Nature of Compromise). In other words, the ultimate beneficiary of a co mpromise would be the evil force. If we analyse Plato’s argument in that sense, justice will provide more benefits to the offender than the victim. Plato's answer lies in his account of the virtuous soul. The soul is a complex entity. Reflection will show that the best state of a complex is harmony. That can only occur in the soul when each part has and does its own - when reason rules and the other parts are subdued. Thus, as the health of the body, intrinsically desirable, is physical order, so the health of the soul is psychic harmony - and that is happiness. However, order in the soul is exactly like order in the State – and it is justice. The harmonious soul, then, is the just (virtuous) soul, where reason rules. Such an internal disposition is happiness, which is immune from the invasions of luck (Mackenzie, p.89). In Plato’s opinion, happiness has different dimensions. He has pointed out that happiness is highly subjective since it is associated with phys ical and mental factors. Health of a body is a physical order whereas happiness is a mental order according to Plato. For example, social recognition provides mental happiness whereas consumption of better foods will keep our body healthy. In the first case, our soul will become happy whereas in the second case, our body will become happy. It should be noted that human is believed to be the product of body and soul. It is definite that body cannot stay without its driving force soul whereas the survival of soul without body is controversial. â€Å"

Monday, October 14, 2019

Study On The Applications Of Numerical Analysis Computer Science Essay

Study On The Applications Of Numerical Analysis Computer Science Essay It finds applications in all fields of engineering and the physical sciences, but in the 21st  century, the life sciences and even the arts have adopted elements of scientific computations.  Ordinary differential equations  appear in the  movement of heavenly bodies (planets, stars and galaxies);  optimization  occurs in portfolio management;  numerical linear algebra  is important for data analysis;  stochastic differential equations  and  Markov chains  are essential in simulating living cells for medicine and biology. Before the advent of modern computers numerical methods often depended on hand  interpolation  in large printed tables. Since the mid 20th century, computers calculate the required functions instead. The interpolation  algorithms  nevertheless may be used as part of the software for solving  differential equations. INTRODUCTION TO NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND METHODS The overall goal of the field of numerical analysis is the design and analysis of techniques to give approximate but accurate solutions to hard problems, the variety of which is suggested by the following. Advanced numerical methods are essential in making  numerical weather prediction  feasible. Computing the trajectory of a spacecraft requires the accurate numerical solution of a system of  ordinary differential equations. Car companies can improve the crash safety of their vehicles by using computer simulations of car crashes. Such simulations essentially consist of solving  partial differential equations  numerically. Hedge funds  (private investment funds) use tools from all fields of numerical analysis to calculate the value of stocks and derivatives more precisely than other market participants. Airlines use sophisticated optimization algorithms to decide ticket prices, airplane and crew assignments and fuel needs. This field is also called  operations research. Insurance companies use numerical programs for  actuarial  analysis. The rest of this section outlines several important themes of numerical analysis. History of Numerical Analysis The field of numerical analysis predates the invention of modern computers by many centuries.  Linear interpolation  was already in use more than 2000 years ago. Many great mathematicians of the past were preoccupied by numerical analysis, as is obvious from the names of important algorithms like  Newtons method,  Lagrange interpolation polynomial,Gaussian elimination, or  Eulers method. To facilitate computations by hand, large books were produced with formulas and tables of data such as interpolation points and function coefficients. Using these tables, often calculated out to 16 decimal places or more for some functions, one could look up values to plug into the formulas given and achieve very good numerical estimates of some functions. The canonical work in the field is the  NIST  publication edited by  Abramowitz and Stegun, a 1000-plus page book of a very large number of commonly used formulas and functions and their values at many points. The function values are no longer very useful when a computer is available, but the large listing of formulas can still be very handy. The  mechanical calculator  was also developed as a tool for hand computation. These calculators evolved into electronic computers in the 1940s, and it was then found that these computers were also useful for administrative purposes. But the invention of the computer also influenced the field of numerical analysis, since now longer and more complicated calculations could be done. Direct and iterative methods Direct methods compute the solution to a problem in a finite number of steps. These methods would give the precise answer if they were performed in  infinite precision arithmetic. Examples include  Gaussian elimination, the  QR  factorization method for solving  systems of linear equations, and the  simplex method  of  linear programming. In practice,  finite precision  is used and the result is an approximation of the true solution (assuming  stability). In contrast to direct methods,  iterative methods  are not expected to terminate in a number of steps. Starting from an initial guess, iterative methods form successive approximations that  converge  to the exact solution only in the limit. A  convergence test  is specified in order to decide when a sufficiently accurate solution has (hopefully) been found. Even using infinite precision arithmetic these methods would not reach the solution within a finite number of steps (in general). Examples include  Newtons method, the  bisection method, and  Jacobi iteration. In computational matrix algebra, iterative methods are generally needed for large problems. Iterative methods are more common than direct methods in numerical analysis. Some methods are direct in principle but are usually used as though they were not, e.g.  GMRES  and the  conjugate gradient method. For these methods the number of steps needed to obtain the exact solution is so large that an approximation is accepted in the same manner as for an iterative method. Discretization Furthermore, continuous problems must sometimes be replaced by a discrete problem whose solution is known to approximate that of the continuous problem; this process is called  discretization. For example, the solution of a  differential equation  is a function. This function must be represented by a finite amount of data, for instance by its value at a finite number of points at its domain, even though this domain is a continuum. Different Areas And Methods under Numerical Analysis The field of numerical analysis is divided into different disciplines according to the problem that is to be solved. One of the simplest problems is the evaluation of a function at a given point. The most straightforward approach, of just plugging in the number in the formula is sometimes not very efficient. For polynomials, a better approach is using the  Horner scheme, since it reduces the necessary number of multiplications and additions. Generally, it is important to estimate and control  round-off errors  arising from the use of  floating point  arithmetic. Interpolation, extrapolation, and regression Interpolation  solves the following problem: given the value of some unknown function at a number of points, what value does that function have at some other point between the given points? Extrapolation  is very similar to interpolation, except that now we want to find the value of the unknown function at a point which is outside the given points. Regression  is also similar, but it takes into account that the data is imprecise. Given some points, and a measurement of the value of some function at these points (with an error), we want to determine the unknown function. The  least squares-method is one popular way to achieve this. Solving equations and systems of equations Another fundamental problem is computing the solution of some given equation. Two cases are commonly distinguished, depending on whether the equation is linear or not. For instance, the equation  2x  + 5 = 3  is linear while  22  + 5 = 3  is not. Much effort has been put in the development of methods for solving  systems of linear equations. Standard direct methods, i.e., methods that use some  matrix decomposition  are  Gaussian elimination,  LU decomposition,  Cholesky decomposition  for  symmetric  (or  hermitian) and  positive-definite matrix, and  QR decomposition  for non-square matrices.  Iterative methods  such as the  Jacobi method,  Gauss-Seidel method,  successive over-relaxation  and  conjugate gradient method  are usually preferred for large systems. Root-finding algorithms  are used to solve nonlinear equations (they are so named since a root of a function is an argument for which the function yields zero). If the function is  differentiable  and the derivative is known, then  Newtons method  is a popular choice.  Linearization  is another technique for solving nonlinear equations. Solving eigenvalue or singular value problems Several important problems can be phrased in terms of  eigenvalue decompositions  or  singular value decompositions. For instance, thespectral image compression  algorithm  is based on the singular value decomposition. The corresponding tool in statistics is calledprincipal component analysis. Optimization Optimization problems ask for the point at which a given function is maximized (or minimized). Often, the point also has to satisfy someconstraints. The field of optimization is further split in several subfields, depending on the form of the objective function and the constraint. For instance,  linear programming  deals with the case that both the objective function and the constraints are linear. A famous method in linear programming is the  simplex method. The method of  Lagrange multipliers  can be used to reduce optimization problems with constraints to unconstrained optimization problems. Evaluating integrals Numerical integration, in some instances also known as numerical  quadrature, asks for the value of a definite  integral. Popular methods use one of the  Newton-Cotes formulas  (like the midpoint rule or  Simpsons rule) or  Gaussian quadrature. These methods rely on a divide and conquer strategy, whereby an integral on a relatively large set is broken down into integrals on smaller sets. In higher dimensions, where these methods become prohibitively expensive in terms of computational effort, one may use  Monte Carlo  or  quasi-Monte Carlo methods  (see  Monte Carlo integration), or, in modestly large dimensions, the method of  sparse grids. Differential equations Numerical analysis is also concerned with computing (in an approximate way) the solution of  differential equations, both ordinary differential equations and  partial differential equations. Partial differential equations are solved by first discretizing the equation, bringing it into a finite-dimensional subspace. This can be done by a  finite element method, a  finite differencemethod, or (particularly in engineering) a  finite volume method. The theoretical justification of these methods often involves theorems from  functional analysis. This reduces the problem to the solution of an algebraic equation. Applications Of Numerical Analysis Methods and Its Real Life Implementations, Advantages Etc. NEWTON RAPHSON METHOD: ORDER OF CONVERGENCE: 2 ADVANTAGES: 1. The advantage of the method is its order of convergence is quadratic. 2. Convergence rate is one of the fastest when it does converges 3. Linear convergence near multiple roots. REGULA FALSI METHOD: ORDER OF CONVERGENCE: 1.618 ADVANTAGES: 1. Better-than-linear convergence near simple root 2. Linear convergence near multiple root 3. No derivative needed DISADVANTAGES 1. Iterates may diverge 2. No practical rigorous error bound GAUSS ELIMINATION METHOD: ADVANTAGES: It is the direct method of solving linear simultaneous equations. 2. It uses back substitution. 3. It is reduced to equivalent upper triangular matrix.: 1. It requires right vectors to be known. GAUSS JORDAN: ADVANTAGES: 1. It is direct method. 2. The roots of the equation are found immediately without using back substitution. . It is reduced to equivalent identity matrix. The additional steps increase round off errors. 2. It requires right vectors to be known. GAUSS JACOBI METHOD: 1. It is iterative method. 2. The system of equations must be diagonally dominant. 3. It suits better for large numbers of unknowns 4. It is self correcting method. GAUSS SEIDEL METHOD: 1. It is iterative method. 2. The system of equations must be diagonally dominant. 3. It suits better for large numbers of unknowns 4. It is self correcting method. 5. The number of iterations is less than Jacobi method. Real life Applications Area of mathematics and computer science. Applications of algebra Geometry Calculus Variables which vary continuously. Problems(application areas) 1. Natural sciences 2. Social sciences 3. Engineering 4. Medicine 5. Business.(in financial industry) Tools of numerical analysis Most powerful tools of numerical analysis à  Computer graphics à  Symbolic mathematical computations à  Graphical user interfaces Numerical analysis is needed to solve engineering problems that lead to equations that cannot be solved analytically with simple formulas. Examples are solutions of large  systems  of algebraic equations, evaluation of integrals, and solution of differential equations. The finite element method is a numerical method that is in widespread use to solve partial differential equations in a variety of engineering fields including stress analysis, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and electro-magnetic fields. In hydro static pressure processing In high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing, food and biotechnological substances are compressed up to 1000 M Pa to achieve various pressure-induced conversions such as microbial and enzyme inactivations, phase transitions of proteins, and solid-liquid state transitions. From the point of view of thermodynamics, Heat transfer leads to space-time-dependent temperature fields that affect many pressure-induced conversions and produce undesired process non uniformities Effects related to HHP processing can be studied appropriately by use of numerical analysis because in situ measurement techniques are barely available, optical accessibility is hardly possible, and technical equipment is expensive. This reports on two examples, where numerical analysis is applied successfully and delivers substantial insights into the phenomenon of high-pressure processing. Calculation E.g TSP problem (traveling salesman problem) to travel no. of cities in such a way that the expenses on traveling are minimized. à   NP-complete problem. à   optimal solution we have to go through all possible routes à   numbers of routes increases exponential with the numbers of cities. Modern Applications and Computer Software Sophisticated numerical analysis software is being embedded in popular software packages e.g. spreadsheet programs. Buisness Applications:- Modern business makes much use of optimization methods in deciding how to allocate resources most efficiently. These include problems such as inventory control,scheduling, how best to locate manufacturing storage facilities, investment strategies,and others. In Financial Industry Quantitative analysts developing financial applications have specialized expertise in their area of analysis. Algorithms used for numerical analysis range from basic numerical functions to calculate interest income to advanced functions that offer specialized optimization and forecasting techniques. Sample Finance Applications Three common examples from the financial services industry that require numerical algorithms are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Portfolio selection à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Option pricing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Risk management   In market Given the broad range of numerical tools available a financial services provider can develop targeted applications that address specific market needs. For example, quantitative analysts developing financial applications have specialized expertise in their area of analysis.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Two Main Categories of Collaboration Essay -- Collaboration Writing Cl

Two Main Categories of Collaboration The first thing I noticed about the subject of collaboration is that it is huge—there are as many styles, types, methods, rationales, theories, benefits and drawbacks as there are theorists and scholars. Additionally, almost no one appears to agree on even such simple matters as terminology (Is it collaborative writing or collaborative learning? Is it peer response, review, or editing?), let alone on actual application and practice. As Kenneth Bruffee states in â€Å"Collaborative Learning and the ‘Conversation of Mankind,’† an essay many supporters and detractors of collaborative writing hearken back to time and time again, his essay â€Å"offers no recipes† because there are no recipes for effectively adding collaborative writing to an English classroom (394). There are merely guidelines for successful collaboration and rationales supporting or denying the usefulness of incorporating collaborative writing. Kenneth Topping, director for the Cen tre for Paired Learning at Dundee University, supporting the notion that collaboration is without rules or recipe, writes, â€Å"Collaborative writing is not a single homogeneous procedure† (1). There are two main categories of collaboration: dialogic and hierarchical. Rebecca Moore Howard explains in her guide â€Å"Assigning Collaborative Writing—Tips for Teachers† that â€Å"in dialogic collaboration, the group works together in all aspects of the project, whereas in hierarchical collaboration, the group divides the task into component parts and assigns certain components to each group member† (1) George Landow, in â€Å"Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology,† identifies four basic types of collaboration, some dialogic, some hierar... ...tive Learning.† in Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader. Ed. Victor Villanueva, Jr. Urbana, Illinois: National Council of Teachers of English, 1997. 439-456. Weiner, Harvey S. â€Å"Collaborative Learning in the Classroom: A Guide to Evaluation.† The Writing Teacher’s Sourcebook. Eds. Gary Tate and Corbett. New York, NY: Oxford UP: 1988. 238-247. Yancey, Kathleen Blake, & Spooner, Michael. â€Å"Collaborative/Social Process Theory.† in Theorizing Composition: A Critical Sourcebook of Theory and Scholarship in Contemporary Composition Studies. Ed. Mary Kennedy. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. 37-41. Zeni, Jane. â€Å"Oral Collaboration, Computers, and Revision.† in Writing With: New Directions in Collaborative Teaching, Learning, and Research. Eds. Bleich, David; Fox, Thomas; Reagan, Sally Barr. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994. 213-226.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Socrates Essay examples -- essays research papers fc

In Crito, Plato recounts the last days of Socrates, immediately before his execution was to take place in Athens. In the dialogue, Socrates’ pupil, Crito, proposes that Socrates escape from prison. Socrates considers this proposal, trying to decide whether escaping would be â€Å"just† and â€Å"morally justified.† Eventually, Socrates concludes that the act is considered â€Å"unjust† and â€Å"morally unjustified.† Socrates then decides to accept his fate and proceeded with his execution. Socrates was a man who was in pursuit of the truth (Durant). In his refusal to accept exile from Athens or a commitment of silence as a penalty, he chooses death and is thrown into prison. While Socrates is awaiting his execution, many of his friends, including Crito, arrive with a foolproof plan for his escape from Athens to live in exile voluntarily. Socrates calmly debates with each friend over the moral value and justification of such an act. â€Å"...people who do not know you and me will believe that I might have saved you if I had been willing to give money, but that I did not care.† -Crito (Wolff 37). Crito believed that by helping Socrates to escape, he could go on to fulfill his personal obligations. Also, if Socrates does not follow the plan, many people would assume that his friends did not care about him enough to help him escape or that his friends are not willing to give their time or money in order to help him. Therefore, Crito goes on to argue that Socrates ou ght to escape from the prison. After listening to Crito’s arguments, Socrates dismisses them as irrelevant to a decision about what action is truly right. â€Å"Now you, Crito, are not going to die to-morrow-...-and therefore you are disinterested and not liable to be deceived by the circumstances in which you are placed.† -Socrates (Wolff 40). In the arguments that Socrates makes, he emphasizes that what other people think does not matter. The only opinions that should matter are the ones of the individuals that truly know. â€Å"The truth alone deserves to be the basis for decisions about human action, so the only proper approach is to engage in the sort of careful moral reasoning by means of which one may hope to reveal it† (Wolff 43). According to Socrates, the only opinion that he is willing to consider would be that of the state. â€Å"...if you go forth, returning evil for evil, and injury for injury,...we shall be angry with you ... ... state of Athens, constitutes disobedience against the state. He argues that obeying the state is a requirement right up until death. He says that by not obeying the state that he was raised in, it's like not obeying his parents that raised him. Socrates was a man who stuck to his commitment to truth, morality and philosophy over life. He had a great commitment to his state, therefore by disobeying it, he would be committing suicide in a sense. If Socrates had disobeyed his state, he would never be allowed to enter it again, nor would any other allow him to live peacefully. His arguments throughout the whole dialogue were very strong. Socrates looked out for his state, while Crito’s arguments were based on himself and how others would view him. Socrates’ conclusion to stay in the prison may have cost him his life, but his act saved the morality and truth of Athens. Works Cited Wolff, Robert Paul. â€Å"Ten Great Works of Philosophy†. New York: Penguin Group, 1969. Durant, William. â€Å"The Story of Philosophy†. New York: Washington Square Press Publications, 1961. Volume I, Ninth Edition. â€Å"Civilization: Past & Present†. New York: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc., 2000. Socrates Essay examples -- essays research papers fc In Crito, Plato recounts the last days of Socrates, immediately before his execution was to take place in Athens. In the dialogue, Socrates’ pupil, Crito, proposes that Socrates escape from prison. Socrates considers this proposal, trying to decide whether escaping would be â€Å"just† and â€Å"morally justified.† Eventually, Socrates concludes that the act is considered â€Å"unjust† and â€Å"morally unjustified.† Socrates then decides to accept his fate and proceeded with his execution. Socrates was a man who was in pursuit of the truth (Durant). In his refusal to accept exile from Athens or a commitment of silence as a penalty, he chooses death and is thrown into prison. While Socrates is awaiting his execution, many of his friends, including Crito, arrive with a foolproof plan for his escape from Athens to live in exile voluntarily. Socrates calmly debates with each friend over the moral value and justification of such an act. â€Å"...people who do not know you and me will believe that I might have saved you if I had been willing to give money, but that I did not care.† -Crito (Wolff 37). Crito believed that by helping Socrates to escape, he could go on to fulfill his personal obligations. Also, if Socrates does not follow the plan, many people would assume that his friends did not care about him enough to help him escape or that his friends are not willing to give their time or money in order to help him. Therefore, Crito goes on to argue that Socrates ou ght to escape from the prison. After listening to Crito’s arguments, Socrates dismisses them as irrelevant to a decision about what action is truly right. â€Å"Now you, Crito, are not going to die to-morrow-...-and therefore you are disinterested and not liable to be deceived by the circumstances in which you are placed.† -Socrates (Wolff 40). In the arguments that Socrates makes, he emphasizes that what other people think does not matter. The only opinions that should matter are the ones of the individuals that truly know. â€Å"The truth alone deserves to be the basis for decisions about human action, so the only proper approach is to engage in the sort of careful moral reasoning by means of which one may hope to reveal it† (Wolff 43). According to Socrates, the only opinion that he is willing to consider would be that of the state. â€Å"...if you go forth, returning evil for evil, and injury for injury,...we shall be angry with you ... ... state of Athens, constitutes disobedience against the state. He argues that obeying the state is a requirement right up until death. He says that by not obeying the state that he was raised in, it's like not obeying his parents that raised him. Socrates was a man who stuck to his commitment to truth, morality and philosophy over life. He had a great commitment to his state, therefore by disobeying it, he would be committing suicide in a sense. If Socrates had disobeyed his state, he would never be allowed to enter it again, nor would any other allow him to live peacefully. His arguments throughout the whole dialogue were very strong. Socrates looked out for his state, while Crito’s arguments were based on himself and how others would view him. Socrates’ conclusion to stay in the prison may have cost him his life, but his act saved the morality and truth of Athens. Works Cited Wolff, Robert Paul. â€Å"Ten Great Works of Philosophy†. New York: Penguin Group, 1969. Durant, William. â€Å"The Story of Philosophy†. New York: Washington Square Press Publications, 1961. Volume I, Ninth Edition. â€Å"Civilization: Past & Present†. New York: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc., 2000.