Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Introduction - Essay Example This, therefore, set way for new thoughts regarding trying to get familiar with an all the more all around worthy language, and my enthusiasm for learning English was conceived. It is broadly realized that English is the most communicated in language on the planet today, with countless nations overall utilizing it as their official language. It is likewise one of the most utilized media of correspondence particularly in books, music and movies to date. These are a portion of the prominent reasons that made it extremely simple for me to settle with English as my decision of language that I needed to learn. The excursion to learn English, much the same as some other new thing, was difficult. For one, this was a tedious and similarly testing task particularly thinking about the tremendous contrasts in the structure and components between my local Arabic language and those in English. The virtual absence of a reasonable relationship between's the two implied that I needed to put more exertion so I could exceed expectations in understanding the new dialect. I am happy that today I can stand and address individuals in English, which could just stable like a dream to me some of the time back. Today, I need especially to return to one of the most intriguing and for sure significant piece of my English learning venture; my first English introduction in school. As a concise depiction of my experience, I joined an English language learning school in the USA where I accepted would give the best condition to learning the language. It is said that on the off chance that one is to become familiar with a language immediately, at that point encircle yourself with the language is the absolute most productive strategy for learning for example investing energy with individuals communicating in the language, tuning in to music and watching motion pictures written in the language among others. USA impeccably gave these attributes. The course diagram in the language class comprised of introductions meetings where understudies were put to task trying to

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Question: Examine about the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Answer: Presentation Asia is the most crowded and different mainland of the world and with persistent financial advancement with the improved authority over the transmittable maladies, it is clear that the future in all the nations of Asia has amazingly expanded. The danger of disease increments with age and furthermore with expanding urbanization, changing ways of life and heftiness changed the malignant growth design and expanded the malignancy trouble in the Asian nations (Shen et al. 2013). Asia is known to be the home for half of the most unfortunate populace of the world and this go about as a determinant as malignant growth is related with both higher and lower financial conditions which add to the disease weight and example in Asia. In spite of the weight that is developing on the landmass, the need of social insurance use and arranging in the vast majority of the Asian nations is low (Pourhoseingholi 2012). This task will be on the theme An examination concerning malignancy rates in Asian nation s, the causes, results and safeguard quantifies and will furnish a broad writing audit alongside the measurable information and their key centrality. It is accepted that the paces of malignancy movement in the Asian nations are developing that must be concentrated to know the outcomes of the development and the pertinent preventive measures. Paces of Cancer in Asian Countries Asia is a landmass with various societies and the varieties lie in socio-social conventions and practices, social standards, ethnicity and dietary traditions. These elements are all around reflected in the weights and examples of disease in the various districts of the mainland. Kimman et al. (2012) led an examination work to uncover the latest information accessible on the rates and weight of malignant growth winning in the ASEAN district. The scientists assessed that 500,000 instances of malignant growth passings and 700,000 new instances of the feared illness are accounted for consistently and most of them incorporate lung, liver and bosom disease. Around 4 million females and 3.6 million guys are living with disease in the nations of Asia and the middle time of malignant growth event has been from 19 years to 44 years. A comparable report was completed by Park et al. (2016) to exhibit the rate of colorectal malignancy in five nations of Asia and saw that the pattern is expanding in the Asian nations mostly because of the expanded pace of colon disease and not because of rectal disease. Colorectal malignant growth is perceived as the fourth most happening disease in the landmass of Asia and was seen as the most elevated among the men of Korea (51.39%) and least among the ladies of Israel (26.60%). From an alternate point of view, the contention was proceeded by Zhang et al. (2011) as they completed an exploration work to look at and decide the rate of prostate malignancy among the Asian men. The creators found that the mortality to frequency, mortality and rate paces of malignant growth in Asian men was seen as 0.44, 59,643 and 7.2 cases for every 105 every year separately. Be that as it may, Chang et al. (2014) contemplated the power of clinic spending and the results of malignant growth in the Asian nations which was a consolidated contention to both the past investigations. The creators found that the medical clinic spending record which was the most elevated for colorectal malignancy with 30.2% and the least for prostate disease with 6.2%. From the audited writing, it was conjectured that the pace of malignant growth is expanding in Asia and this is clear from the enlisted new cases and passings. The qualities of the inspected comprised of their exactness of data to display the hazard of the ailment and the shortcoming comprised of their legitimacy of discoveries with the absence of division of the rate of the individual malignant growth types. Consequently, it is presumed that most of the malignant growth is among the females that start at the youthful age of 19 and the clinic spending is for the most part on colorectal disease. Reasons for Cancer in Asian Countries The causative variables of malignancy in the Asian nations comprise of the socio-social and way of life factors that have caused an expansion in the commonness of bosom disease. Utilizing smokeless tobacco in the southern and southeastern nations has expanded the oral pit malignancy rates. Dietary examples and Helicobacter pylori contamination are liable for the high predominance of stomach malignant growth. In such manner, Long et al. (2012) did an exploration work and found that the danger of prostate malignancy is related with diabetes mellitus and since the infection has a high commonness among the Asian men, it underpins the improvement of prostate disease. Different components are related with the event of diabetes like family ancestry, ecological variables and medicine use length that additionally influences the event of prostate malignant growth. In this way, change in any of these components will likewise adjust the rate rates. Aside from this, liquor, physical latency and u nfortunate eating regimen are additionally the causative elements of malignant growth. Ng et al. (2015) continued with the contention with their examination work for deciding the relationship that exists between the topographical districts, nation pay and malignancy design in Asia and research the reasons for disease in the landmass. The creators found that the creating nations in Asia are having a rising frequency of malignant growth fundamentally because of low fiber diet, weight and high fat, physical latency, liquor utilization, smoking and carrying on with a disease related way of life. Notwithstanding, Kristina, Endarti Thavorncharoensap (2016) limited the contention with their examination work to property the weight of malignant growth to tobacco smoking in the South Asian nations. The creators found that about 22% of the malignant growth passings are because of the smoking of tobacco in the low, center and high-pay nations in Asia. Lin et al. (2013) on an alternate point of view found that hepatitis B and C infection are the significant reasons for hepatocellul ar carcinoma or liver malignant growth. Just around 3 5% of the patients endure the drawn out enduring of liver disease. The checked on writing built up the speculation that there are a few causative elements for the various kinds of disease in the Asian nations. The quality of the writing was that they gave a definite record of the different sorts of malignant growth in Asia in any case, with the constraint of their absence of data about their pervasiveness among people as indicated by their causative elements, aside from prostate and bosom disease. Subsequently, it tends to be presumed that recognizable proof of these causative variables can be essential for control of malignant growth in Asia. Results of Cancer in Asian Countries The results of malignant growth can be awful for a mainland like Asia where there are a few creating nations and disease can additionally disturb the destitution. This can be either because of the effect of the ailment on the capacity of the individuals to work or because of the expense of overseeing and treating the sickness. In this regard, McCormack and Boffetta (2011) led an examination work that mirrored the results of ways of life that can prompt the advancement of malignancy especially in the center and low-salary nations of Asia. This populace is exposed to extra cash and open markets that cause them to expend liquor, tobacco and open them to progressively inactive occupations and ways of life. This prompts the improvement of prostrate, bosom and colon malignant growth among the Asians. Kimman et al. (2015) continued with the contention and expressed that disease could deleteriously affect the lives of the Asian individuals bringing about a budgetary fiasco. Poor endurance an d antagonistic financial results were recognized among 75% of the new patients who pass on inside a year because of financial inconveniences and advance demonstrative stage. Kimman et al. (2012) considered the effect and results of disease on an Asian setting and found that the nations that come up short on a successful and thorough arrangement of social medical coverage get influenced the most. Without these social wellbeing nets, the endurance, treatment costs, personal satisfaction of the patients, their family units and their monetary conditions all goes under danger. The human services consumption that leaves pocket for the most part surpasses 30% of the pay of the family prompting monetary hardship, mental trouble and ailment actuated neediness. Mak et al. (2014) did an investigation on a positive note to stamp the outcomes of malignancy which presented business related difficulties that are looked by the overcomers of disease. The unintended social results have likewise been talked about by the creators to show the association between the malignancy survivors and their working environment. From the writing, a theory can be found which expresses that malignancy can have its results in each part of life. The quality of the writing was the point by point examination of the effect of malignant growth on the lives of the patient and the shortcoming of the writing was the absence of data on the clinical results of disease the board that incorporates the unfriendly responses. Subsequently, on the end, it very well may be expressed that the terrifying results of malignant growth influences the patient actually as well as on an expert scale. Preventive Measures of Cancer in Asian Countries The developing and existing malignancy weight and examples in the different Asian nations require its political acknowledgment as a significant issue of general wellbeing. Adjusted venture is additionally basic in the expert and open mindfulness. To push more on the preventive measures, D'cruz et al. (2013) led an exploration work to express that the preventive proportion of head and neck malignancy is to a great extent subject to the site and phase of the tumor. Suitable treatment because of early conclusion is pivotal for progressively the probability of endurance and fix. From the points of view of hepatocellular carcinoma, Han et al. (2011) opined

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Funny Short Stories

Funny Short Stories The child and his mother:A curious child asked his mother: “Mommy, why are some of your hairs turning grey?”The mother tried to use this occasion to teach her child: “It is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours will turn one of my hairs grey!”The child replied innocently: “Now I know why grandmother has only grey hairs on her head.” Wrong email address:A couple going on vacation but his wife was on a business trip so he went to the destination first and his wife would meet him the next day.When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email.Unfortunately, when typing her address, he mistyped a letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preachers wife whose husband had passed away only the day before.When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:Dearest Wife, Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.P.S. Sure is hot down here.?? ?? ??Wills experience at the airport:After his return from Rome, Will couldnt find his luggage in the airport baggage area. He went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that his bags hadnt shown up on the carousel.She smiled and told him not to worry because they were trained professionals and he was in good hands.Then she asked Will, Has your plane arrived yet? Clever kids:A police officer found a perfect hiding place for watching for speeding motorists.One day, the officer was amazed when everyone was under the speed limit, so he investigated and found the problem.A 10 years old boy was standing on the side of the road with a huge hand painted sign which said Radar Trap Ahead.A little more investigative work led the officer to the boys accomplice: another boy about 100 yards beyond the radar trap with a sign reading TIPS and a bucket at his feet full of change.?? ?? ??M outhology:A Professor was traveling by boat. On his way he asked the sailor:“Do you know Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, physiology?The sailor said no to all his questions.Professor: What the hell do you know on earth. You will die of illiteracy.After a while the boat started sinking. The Sailor asked the Professor, do you know swiminology escapology from sharkology?The professor said no.Sailor: “Well, sharkology crocodilogy will eat your assology, headology you will dieology because of your mouthology. Captain:A navy captain is alerted by his First Mate that there is a pirate ship coming towards his position. He asks a sailor to get him his red shirt.The captain was asked, Why do you need a red shirt?The Captain replies, So that when I bleed, you guys dont notice and arens discouraged. They fight off the pirates eventually.The very next day, the Captain is alerted that 50 pirate ships are coming towards their boat. He yells, Get me my brown pants!?? ?? ??Elephant:The class teacher asks students to name an animal that begins with an E. One boy says, Elephant.Then the teacher asks for an animal that begins with a T. The same boy says, Two elephants.The teacher sends the boy out of the class for bad behavior. After that she asks for an animal beginning with M.The boy shouts from the other side of the wall: Maybe an elephant! Do you know any short but very funny stories? Please share below ??

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Removal of the Cherokee Essay - 1065 Words

In The Cherokee Removal, Perdue and Green show the trials that the Cherokee faced in the years from 1700 to 1840. This book shows how the Americans tried to remove these Indians from the southeastern part of the United States. The Cherokees tried to overcome the attempts of removal, but finally in 1838, they were removed from the area. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Cherokees lived in the valleys of rivers that drained the southern Appalachians (Perdue, 1). The British first came into Cherokee country in 1700. They came for two major reasons: deerskins and war captives. They brought guns and ammunition, metal knives, hoes, hatchets, fabrics, kettles, rum, and trinkets. They took the Cherokee and made them slaves. The British built two†¦show more content†¦Knox hoped to end the fighting between the Cherokees and the Americans that was caused by expansion. Knox, along with George Washington, believed that the Indians were uncivilized. However, this lack of civilization was cultural, not racial. They thought that the Cherokees could become civilized if they were taught how to become civilized. They also believed that the United States should buy the land that the settlers illegally took from the Indians, and strictly obstruct further encroachment. This new system was called the Treaty of Holston (Perdue 11). It went into effect in July 1791. This treaty called for the civilization of the Indians. The civilization program was a major part of this new treaty. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Cherokee culture went through some drastic changes. Schools were set up to instruct the Indians. Men farmed instead of hunting. They established some of their own laws. In 1827, the Cherokees wrote a constitution that provided for a bicameral legislature, a chief executive, and a judicial system (Perdue 13). The Americans tried to make the Indians become Christians. They developed their own writing system. They even began to publish their own newspaper called the Cherokee Phoenix (Perdue 14). The Cherokees became more civilized than in the past. The Cherokees tried to become civilized to make their relationship with the Americans better. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;American views on the Indians changed. TheyShow MoreRelatedThe Cherokee Removal Essay1162 Words   |  5 PagesA long time before this land was called the United States, the Cherokee people used to live in this land in the valleys of rivers that drained the southern Appalachians. These people made their homes, farmed their land, and buried their dead. Also these people, who are now called Indians claimed larger lands. They would use these for hunting deer and gathering material, to live off of. Later these lands were called Virginia and Kentucky. As it is mentioned in the text, these people had their ownRead More The Removal of the Cherokee Essay5749 Words   |  23 Pagesthe Cherokee nation has haunted the legacy of Andrew Jacksons Presidency. The events that transpired after the implementation of his Indian policy are indeed heinous and continually pose questions of morality for all generations. Ancient Native American tribes were forced from their ancest ral homes in an effort to increase the aggressive expansion of white settlers during the early years of the United States. The most notable removal came after the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The Cherokee, whoseRead MoreCherokee Removal Essay1329 Words   |  6 PagesThe Cherokee people were forced out of their land because of the settler’s greed for everything and anything the land had to offer. Many Cherokee even embraced the â€Å"civilization program,† abandoning their own beliefs so that they may be accepted by white settlers. Unfortunately for the Cherokee though, the settlers would never accept them as an equal citizen. A quote from historian Richard White says it very well, â€Å"The Cherokee are probably the most tragic instance of what could have succeededRead MoreCherokee Removal Essays886 Words   |  4 PagesThe Cherokee role in the American society was an ongoing battle amongst closed minds and sheer ignorance to rights of original land owners. For years the fight over land was the dividing instrument amongst the new citizens of a new, free country and the traditions of the Cherokee people was being pushed back into the west. Since international law said that England had discovered the American colonies, they therefore owned all of the land. That meant that the natives or quot;uncivilizedquot;Read MoreIndian Removal Of The Cherokee Indians991 Words   |  4 Pagesthey grew stronger. It was a story of hope, courage, and survival. This was the Trail of Tears. Many events led up to the Cherokee’s removal. The Indian Removal caused the Cherokee indians to move west. A man named Major Ridge struck lots of bargains with the United States. This man, Major Ridge, was one of the native sons, born in 1771, that lived in the Cherokee territory. The Cherokee’s lived in the Christians Eden because they believe their ancestors once lived in the same area. Throughout MajorRead MoreThe Horrors Behind Cherokee Removal967 Words   |  4 Pages The Horrors Behind Cherokee Removal The day the colonists first set foot on American soil marked the beginning of an arduous struggle for Native Americans. When the colonists first arrived, there were ten million Native Americans; over the next three centuries, over 90% of the entire population was wiped out due to the white man. The removal of Native Americans marks a humiliating period of United States history. President Andrew Jackson attempted to consolidate the Native Americans when heRead MoreCherokee Trail Of Tears : Removal849 Words   |  4 PagesCherokee Trail of Tears: Removal: 500 Nations In 1830, congress passed President Andrew Jacksons Indian Removal Act. This policy allowed the United States government to extinguish the Cherokee, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, Seminole and many other tribes title to their land. The Indians had to leave the land and life they had always known in the Southeastern United States behind. This disturbing event was named the Trail of Tears because many Native Americans died during the process of marching toRead MoreThe Cherokee Removal Book Review Essay725 Words   |  3 PagesThe Cherokee Removal Book Review The Cherokee Removal is a brief history with documents by Theda Perdue and Michael Green. In 1838-1839 the US troops expelled the Cherokee Indians from their ancestral homeland in the Southeast and removed them to the Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma. The removal of the Cherokees was a product of the demand for land during the growth of cotton agriculture in the Southeast, the discovery of gold on the Cherokees land, and the racial prejudice that manyRead MoreTrail of Tears: the Removal of the Cherokee Nation1747 Words   |  7 PagesThe old Cherokee nation was a large thriving tribe located in northern Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, and Tennessee, which was a region known as Appalachia. Because of greedy landowners wanting more money, land for themselves and land for their crops, this forced the Cherokees out of their land and into another region. The government, specifically Andrew Jackson, wanted the land because it was land that he â€Å"needed†. He needed t his land because he felt it would increase the white population andRead MoreCherokee Removal, Part Of The Trail Of Tears2515 Words   |  11 Pages  Cherokee removal, part of the Trail of Tears, refers to the forced relocation between 1836 and 1839 of the Cherokee Nation from their lands in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Alabama to the Indian Territory in the then Western United States, and the resultant deaths along the way and at the end of the movement of an estimated 4000 Cherokee. The Cherokee have come to call the event Nu na da ul tsun yi ; another term is Tlo va sa --both phrases not used at the time

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

World War II And The Cold War - 916 Words

On a cold March morning on the 5th of 1953 Stalin lay in his bed surrounded by his personal doctors the great uncle Joe Stalin had been laid to rest euthanized by his doctors. He had grown up a member of the communist party more so a member as a means to power then a true believer in the doctrine. He would soon see this position put him in charge of the entirety of the newly named USSR (United Soviet Socialts Republic). He would steer the country through the horrors of World War II and he would consolidate all of Russia with fierce and deadly determination. Then see his country go face to face with the U.S. in the Cold War. Growing up Joseph Stalin was known as Losif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. He was born in Gori, Georgia on December†¦show more content†¦During his time he began to but heads with Trotsky, Lenin s second in command and his rival for power. With Lenin s death in 1924 Stalin began to centralize his power. He had Trotsky tried in a kangaroo court and exiled, l eaving him with no rival to power. By 1928 he was in complete control and began phase one of five year plan. His five year plan was a series of nationalized plans for the economic modernization of the Soviet Union. He rapidly changed an agricultural society to an industrial power house. This lead to massive famine taking the lives of over 5million Russian citizens between 1932 and 1933(1). These changes were not without challenge. Anyone who spoke up against his changes would be exiled to Siberian work camps and worked to death. By 1934 Stalin had purged the rest of the Soviet party using mock courts, assassination, and â€Å"unfortunate† accidents. This left him as absolute ruler of the U.S.S.R. In the fall of 1939 Stalin would see his country enter WWII. He started with a neutrality agreement with Germany. Hitler would soon violate this treaty and push him into the arms of the Allied Powers. He was very resistant to put his armies on the defense, because he was wanting to make sure Hitler made the first move (3). The war had not been going well for Stalin. This culminate in the battle of Stalingrad. This bloody battle turned the tide of war for Stalin but cost him almost 1million troops (3). With the close of the war in 1945

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cinema of India and Irish Pages Free Essays

string(160) " the family drama that surrounds such an event anywhere – and made a â€Å"realitycheck†version of it so different from the normal Bollywood film\." Irish Pages LTD Glorious Particularity Author(s): Mira Nair Reviewed work(s): Source: Irish Pages, Vol. 3, No. 2, The Home Place (2006), pp. We will write a custom essay sample on Cinema of India and Irish Pages or any similar topic only for you Order Now 103-108 Published by: Irish Pages LTD Stable URL: http://www. jstor. org/stable/30057428 . Accessed: 09/11/2012 06:27 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use, available at . http://www. jstor. org/page/info/about/policies/terms. jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor. org. . Irish Pages LTD is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Irish Pages. http://www. jstor. org GLORIOUS PARTICULARITY MiraNalr Illumining the actual. I make images in my work. I don’t pen words, especially not words to be delivered from church pulpits. So I experienced great agony writing this essay, particularlysince it was also meant for publication, until I began to see it as an opportunity to think aloud with you on what has been possessing my mind of late, in this tumultuous past year since the watershed of 9/11/01. I have been reflecting on the torrent of ceaseless images flooding our lives: in the print media, TV and of course, in our popular cinema, ultimately asking myself the age-old questionsTer Braakraises in his still-radicalessay:what is the role of an artist in any society? What is the place and future of cinema in the world today? In the new â€Å"globalvillage†of incessant images, increasinglyI see the failure of mass media to impart actual understanding. This overactive pluralism gives one the illusion of knowing a lot about a lot when actually you know a smattering about nothing at all, leaving in its wake an audience so thoroughly bludgeoned by little bits of information that one is left confused and consequently apathetic politically. Perhapsthat is its intention. The fact is that while images have become more and more international, people’s lives have remained astonishingly parochial. This ironic truth of contemporary life is especially troubling in today’s war-mongering times, when so much depends on understanding worlds so different, and consequently totally divided, from one’s own. In this post-9/11 world, where the schisms of the globe are being cemented into huge walls between one belief and way of life and another, now more than ever we need cinema to reveal our tiny local worlds in all their glorious particularity. In my limited experience, it’s when I’ve made a film that’s done full-blown justice to the truths and idiosyncraciesof the specifically local, that it crosses over to become surprisinglyuniversal. Take Monsoon edding,or instance. I wanted to make an intimate family W out of nothing, a love song to the city of Delhi where I come flick, something from, to return to my old habits of guerilla film-making. Except this time, fired m by the recent empowering of the Dogme ethod, I wanted to make a film in just 30 days. That was the original premise: to prove to myself that I didn’t need the juggernaut of millions of dollars, studios, special effects and plenty of men in suits to make a good story in the most interesting visual way possible. I wanted 103 IRISH PAGES o capture, first and foremost, the spirit of masti(meaning an intoxication with life) inherent in the full-bodied Punjabi community from where I come, and then, to capture the Indiathat I know and love, an India which lives in several centuries at the same time. As Arundhati Roy put it, â€Å"as Indian citizens we subsist on a regular diet of caste massacresand nuclear tests, mosque breakings and fashion shows, church burnings and expanding cell phone networks, bonded labour and the digital revolution, female infanticide and the Nasdaq crash, husbandswho continue to burn their wives for dowry and our delectable pile of MissWorlds. It couldn’t be said better. Such were the fluid pillars of the India I wanted to put on film – 68 actors, 148 scenes, and one hot monsoon season later, using paintings,jewellery, saris and furniture taken from relatives on the screen, with each member of my family acting in it, after shooting exactly 30 days, a film was born that then had a journey so different from any expectation (more correctly, non-expectation) that we might have had for it during its making. People from New Delhi to Iceland to Hungary to Brazil to America believed it was their wedding, their family,themselves on that screen – and if they didn’t have a family,they yearned to belong to one like the people they saw on screen. I didn’t make the film to educate anybody about â€Å"my culture and my people†- I believe that to be simply a cultural ambassadorof one’s country is boring – rather, if it was made for anybody beyond myself, it was made for the people of Delhi to feel and laugh and cry at our own flawed Punjabi(a. k. a the PartyAnimals of India) selves. Uniquely for me, Monsoon edding as the first of seven films I’d made that W was completely embraced by the mainstreamBollywood film industryin India; producers, directors, movie stars, choreographers, musicians alike embraced the film, and for the first time in my 20-odd years as an independent film maker – independent really from both the Indianand the Americanma instream – I felt the possibility of my work belonging somewhere. Although the style and form of Monsoon edding as radical for the Indianpublic (the entire film was w W hot with a hand-held camera,was reality-based, with a host of completely unknown faces mixed in with legendary actors, live singing, no studio shooting, using a mixture of old Indianpop songs with new original music, and dialogue simultaneouslyin Hindi, English and Punjabi),it continues to play in Indiaalmost a year after its release. Perhapsthis was because we took a familiar premise – that of an Indian wedding, and of the family drama that surrounds such an event anywhere – and made a â€Å"realitycheck†version of it so different from the normal Bollywood film. You read "Cinema of India and Irish Pages" in category "Essay examples" Bollywood, a term for the enormous commercial film industryin Bombay, refers to those grand, epic and over-the-top extravaganzas eplete with musical r 104 IRISH PAGES numbers and lavish production values, designed as escapist entertainment for the masses. It is what Ter Braak hilariously describes in his discussion of low cinema – â€Å"born among cigarette-chewing youths and giggling maid-servants, received with wild enthusiasm and the honest romanticism of a proletariat yearning for deliverance. â€Å" Despite its inimitable, distinctive style and its current arty-exotic cache, Bollywood is nothing like cinema of the art-house, New Wave variety, nothing like expressionism – it does not have pretensions of purity. It is defiantly popular, made for the masses and for profit. Therefore, Bollywood as a cinematic form is necessarily adaptive and composite – a genre welcoming outside influences, not fearing them. In the first place, the filmmakers always aiming for the broadest possible audience – have had to accommodate the multiple interests of an extremely regional and diverse country. Certain unifying elements – Mahabharata and Ramayana, the foundational epic texts from which many stories derive, and the emphasis in all films on family tradition and local setting – give Bollywood films a broad resonance within Furthermore, Bollywood was born under colonialism and brilliantly survives in a post-colonial world. The Bollywood style is famously adaptive and absorbent, a sponge that had to respond to imperialist influences to survive pre-Independence, and willingly imitated them for profit in more recent years. A common phenomenon in Bombay are the so-called DVD India. irectors who pitch their stories to moviestars using cued scenes from wellknown Hollywood movies (e. g. , â€Å"it is basically a combination of Godfather meets Love Story meets When Harry Met Sally†). Western stories from Jane E re to Dead Poets’Societyare retold with Indian characters and production design that very often – ingeniously – play into both Westerne rs’ and Indians’ idealization of India. This suggests a border around India that is both porous and protective, flagrantly absorbing and copying all sorts of influences yet twisting them to make it finally seem inimitably Indian – or, to put it more accurately, inimitably Bollywood. There is much debate on the survival of local cinemas in a global age, and much consternation about the unstoppable wave of American culture, often accused of alternately dulling and diluting art and aesthetic sensibilities around the world. The French have been railing about cultural protectionism from Hollywood for years now. In this context of trying to preserve and cultivate local voices, it is fabulous to see the unflagging energy of Bollywood cinema. Bollywood’s vigor, its staying power and its improbable, flexible hybridity, are all results of its huge internal market. Commercially and artistically – much like Indian culture itself. Bollywood is supple and muscular 105 IRISH PAGES The mass Indian audience for whom Bollywood films are made is evergrowing and makes the industry hugely profitable, even without taking into account the global reach it has attained. The first Indian film, Rala w Harishchandra, as produced in 1913. Thirty thousand films have been made since. Today,800 films per year are made throughout India, and 12 million people within the country’s borders go to see a Hindi film daily. The booming Bollywood market is self-sustainingand runs parallel to – and undisturbedby – American film exhibition in India. This is before taking into account Bollywood’s huge market abroad, both as an export to other lands (such as Russia, the Middle East, Africa) and to the far-reachingIndian Diaspora. Growing up in India in the sixties and seventies in the fairly remote state of Orissa, I was not an aficionadoof Bollywood pictures. I did swoon over many of the popular love songs from the movies, but the films themselves did little for me. I was much more interested in stories of real people, the extraordinarinessof ordinary life. Initiallyinspired by jatra which is the form of traditionaltravellingmythological theatre in the countryside, I later became involved with political protest theatre in Calcutta. Then, with eyes focused beyond my own country, I became preoccupied with the Beatles and the antiVietnam War movement, the Western avant-garde, guerilla theater, etc. It wasn’t until I went to America for college and began studying film that the â€Å"other†Indian movies first reached me: SatyajitRay, Ritwik Ghatakand Guru Dutt, whose emotionalism and visual stylization were actually pure independent film-making, but made from within Bollywood. The immediacy and grandeurof these films is a pillar for me now – I rely on seeing one of Guru Dutt’s movies every six months before I make another one of my own. However, I was the last person to ever imagine that the commercial cinema of the Indian mainstream would have anything whatsoever to do with my own work. Yet the opportunity to give this lecture has given me a chance to reflect on my own trajectory, and I am surprised to find that my home cinema has had a strong influence on my body of work indeed, regardlessof my exploration of increasingly motley and disparatecultures. And in reflecting, I’ve seen that the influence of Indian films – specifically that unabashed emotional directness, the freewheeling use of music, that emphasis on elemental motivations and values – is a thread running consistently through every one of my films; even when exploring foreign worlds, I have taken the bones and flesh of those societies and tried to infuse them with the spirit of where I’m from. Much of post-imperial scholarship focuses on the Western gaze – and Bollywood itself, as I’ve said, had to adapt to and be constantly aware of the colonialist point of view. I find myself applying an Eastern gaze 06 IRISH PAGES to Western contexts now, and enjoying the reversal. Historically,Hollywood has alwaysbeen open to foreign directors, so long as we have the competence, craft and flair needed to make money. From Erich von Stroheim to BillyWilder to Ang Lee to PaulVerhoevento ShekharKapur, the doors have opened for us, so long as we understand the bottom line. In my most recent film, Hysterical lindness, working-class drama set in a B New Jersey in the eighties, I found that even in the drab and loveless confines of these bar-hopping girls’ world, the Bollywood approachwas just as useful. Half-jokingly,I refer to the style of the film as â€Å"AmericanBleak, Bollywoodstyle†. Within the frame of â€Å"American Bleak,†understatement and mundane circumstances notwithstanding, the full-blown emotion was there, waiting to be made overt. People are people, after all, and no matter if we’re trying to portray a loveless reality where desperate women comb neighbourhood bars looking for love, only to find heartbreak,audiences must feel their neuroses as if they are their own. And now, looking at pre-Victorian London to adapt Thackeray’s gloriously entertaining saga, VanityFair, I find an enormous panorama of themes familiar to those of us steeped in Bollywood: a woman who defies her poverty-stricken background to clamber up the social ladder, unrequited love, seduction through song, a mother’s sacrifice for her child, a true gentleman in a corrupt world . .. the catalog of human stories remains the same. Moreover, it is a story that comes down to basic human ambition, asking a spiritual, even yogic question:Which of us is happy in this orld? Which of us has his desire? Or, having it, is satisfied? The bold strokes of Indian cinema are ideal for this canvas,too. Culture-combining does not have to yield the soulless â€Å"Euro-gateau† lamented by Istvan Szabo in Zanussi’s 1993 lecture here. Because, as Zanussi explained, those are films without a center, stories that take place in nameless, unrecognizable cities with a host of Eu ropean actors desperately attempting a neutralAmerican/English accent, afraidof any eccentricities or distinctiveness that would distract from the mongrelization of the piece. The Bollywood form, itself an ever-growing collage of culturalinfluences, is making its way around the world, but retaining its soul. In fact, my only fear as Bollywood seems to cross over into Western commercial screens is that it waters itself down to suit the Western palate. Lately,Western culture has taken Bollywood styles and incorporated them into the mainstream Hollywood vocabulary:smash-hit movies and plays imitate Bollywood’s musical form and ultra-theatricalstyle, adaptingthem to Western contexts (MoulinRouge, ombay B Dreams). Think of Thora Birch in GhostWorld, atching a 1950s Hindi dance w umber and dancing around her room gleefully. She sees a freshness and 107 IRISH PAGES lustiness totally absent from her Anytown, USA existence. The crazy dance number is delightfullyforeign to her, yet throughit we also see her small world with new, sharp clarity. Bollywood’s pure emotional thrust and distinctive vocabulary has authenticity in itself, however manufactured and molded the form has been over the years. In this era of internationalmisunderstanding,as the threat of a global divide – culturally and politically – is more dire than ever, this distinctiveness is to be celebrated. I have always repeated to myself and to my students that â€Å"if we don’t tell our stories, no one else will. â€Å"The â€Å"we†and â€Å"our† in the best films is both local and universal. Cinema can mirror an individual’s tiny world, yet reveal infinite other worlds in all their particularity. Film should not behave. It cannot. Cinema is too democratic to be lobotomized into a single way or style. I always say,There are no rules in making cinema – there is only good cinema or soulless cinema. And as long as there are films made like In the Mood or Love,Angel at My Table,Pyaasa,Battle of Algiers,Dekalog, Timeof the f Gypsies,we’re doing all right. What is happening to the world lies, at the moment, just outside the realm of common understanding. The only revenge is to work, to make cinema that illuminates this common understanding,that destabilizes the dull competence of most of what is produced, that infuses life with idiosyncracy, whimsy, brutality, and like life, that captures the rare but fabulous energy that sometimes emerges from the juxtaposition of the tragic and comic. a F M L U Thisessaywasdelivered s the Cinema 2i1tans ecture t the Netherlands ilmFestival, trecht, in September002 It is published ereor the irst time. 2 hf f One of the world’sleadingfilmakers,Mira Nair has directedeightfeaturefilms since her celebrated ebutwith SalaamBombay! in 1988. Bornin 1957, shegrew up in Orissa, ndia d I and attendedHavardUniversity. Her mostrecentilms are Vani ty Fair (2004), Hysterical f Blindness (2002) and Monsoon Wedding (2001) Hernextfilm, he Namesake, basedon a T i novelbyjhumpa Lahiri,will be releasedn the springof 2007 108 How to cite Cinema of India and Irish Pages, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Crucible - The Difference Between Law and Justice free essay sample

Are law and justice the same thing? Many believe the idea that if one disobeys the law, they must be brought to justice. However, this isn’t always the case. The fact that there is law permitting or forbidding an act that does not determine that it is right or wrong. While justice is meant to be administered with the utmost fairness and equality, Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible demonstrates that this does not always prevail. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the citizens of Salem seem to think that law and justice are the same thing. However, this is not true. In act three, Danforth says â€Å"You must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between. This is a sharp time, now, a precise time—we live no longer in the dusky afternoon when evil mixed itself with good and befuddled the world. Now, by God’s grace, the shining sun is up, and them that fear not light will surely praise it (Danforth, 90). † When Danforth says this, it shows that he believes that unless someone was ruling with the court, then they were against it, and therefore, evil. Clearly, Salem does not practice separation of church and state, which at the time made for a lot of bigotry and religious-driven harm and persecution. Because the Bible says that any female that commits the sin of lechery should be stoned to death, that does not make it humane or justified. The citizens of Salem seem to lack the ability to comprehend that. An underlying theme within The Crucible is theocracy; God is supposedly the ultimate leader, judge, and arbiter. The way Salem sees it, God needs men on earth to instill justice in the lives of the citizens of earth. Hathorne, Danforth, Parris, and Hale were all part of that system. Though it seems that only those who confessed to having committed grave sins against God, along with those who refused to confess had a sense of that justice. Salem believed that God was speaking through the girls to bring to light crimes that would have been invisible otherwise. â€Å"But witchcraft is ipso facto, on its face and by its nature, an invisible crime, is it not? Therefore, who may possibly be to witness it? The witch and the victim. None other. Now we cannot hope the witch to accuse herself; granted? Therefore we must rely upon her victims—and they do testify, the children certainly to testify. As for the witches, none will deny that we are most eager for all their confessions. Therefore, what is left for a lawyer to bring out? I think I have made my point. Have I not (Danforth, 96)? † In this quote, Danforth explains that only the children would know of witchcraft in the town and that they have no other way of knowing the crime is committed. He was clearly ignorant, as Abigail and the girls she has convinced to play along were only children and teenagers. They would most definitely crave attention at their age, and would take advantage of any form of it that they could get. The court appears to overlook this and takes the word of the girls throughout most of the play. Not a single one of the accusations during the Salem Witch Trials is done out of fear. Each and every single one of them is due to a character attempting to preserve their own reputation or as an attempt to achieve their own selfish ambitions. And aside from this, Danforth chose to overlook several things that would prove the accused to be innocent, or at least give reason to doubt what the accusers are saying. It seems that the accusers are always right, no matter what the circumstances of the accusations. It is tossed aside that Abigail and John had an affair because Danforth and Hathorne did everything in their power to avoid believing the affair happened. It is overlooked that Putnam clearly wants Giles Corey’s land, and he conveniently accuses the man of witchcraft. When one is accused of witchcraft, their land is sold for a much smaller sum than it is worth. Giles Corey accuses Thomas Putnam of being an opportunist of the worst kind, as his land would be sold and Putnam would have the first opportunity to buy it. â€Å"My proof is there! Pointing to the paper. If Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit his property—that’s law! And there is none but Putnam with the coin to buy so great a piece. This man is killing his neighbors for their land (Corey, 92)! † Francis Nurse attempts time and time again to bring evidence to the court but he is unable to present it. The obvious reasoning for this is that Danforth is worried about his reputation. He has too much pride to admit that he believes Abigail and Tituba and the others that brought accusations against the innocent people of Salem. Instead, Danforth would rather those who had done nothing wrong, suffer in his place for his ignorance and selfishness. So perhaps, Danforth did have a sense of justice as the accused did, but he would rather keep quiet about it because his own reputation is more important than the lives of others. The â€Å"justice† system in Salem is based on religious belief, more than the actual law. This being true, the evidence is largely supernatural, and therefore cannot be countered with reason or hard evidence. The only people that had to prove their case are those that disagree with the accusers. Accusers are automatically assumed to be telling the truth and do not need an ounce of proof. They may be questioned, but they are always considered right. This type of law is not ethical in today’s justice system; innocent until proven guilty. While Salem has a form of law, there is no sense of justice in the community.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Julius Ceasar Overview Essays - , Term Papers

Julius Ceasar: Overview SUMMARY: Shakespeare's Julius Caesar is the story of the resulting conflicts from the assassination of perpetual dictator and Roman emperor, Julius Caesar. A great friend of Caesar, Mark Antony, comes to the senate to see the dead body of their dictator. He pretends to not be angry at those who took part in the assassination, and asks to speak at his funeral, a request which he is granted. However, after the men leave, he begins a soliloquy in which he suggests that Caesar's spirit will take revenge upon his murderers and invoke a war involving the entire country. Antony begins the revenge of his death by speaking at the funeral about the wrong done to Caesar, the man's generosity to the people, and how Brutus tried to persuade them to believe his justification of the murder. The crowd turns to agreement with Antony and then accuse the conspirators of murder. The accused men flee, eventually leaving the bounds of the city, and the citizens leave to loot and burn the houses of the guilty men. The armies of Brutus and Cassius set up camps near another city and knowing that Antony's soldiers are coming, they decide to march toward the enemy at once. The fighting begins with the confrontation of the two sides, as Cassius' and Brutus' armies arrive. Antony and his partner challenge the assassins to fight, and the bloody battle begins. The armies of the conspirators fall into vulnerability many times, and their side does poorly, losing many men. Cassius hears mistakenly that one of his important soldiers has been captured, loses hope, and commits suicide, while Brutus feels that his army has been cornered, and throws himself onto another man's sword, killing himself also. They call off the rest of the battle, for Antony's army now had victory over Brutus and Cassius, Caesar's murder had been avenged, and order had been restored. CHARACTERS: There are a couple of main characters in this story. Caesar is well liked by the citizens of Rome, yet is a somewhat arrogant man and believes himself to be above everybody else. He is given praise often and honored by events such as a holiday in his name. However, several men do not agree that Caesar should have such a high title, as they despise his character. These six men conspire to kill the emperor to end what they see as his tyranny and oppression in Rome. A man named Cassius organizes the event, while a powerful figure, Brutus, persuades Caesar to come to the senate, where he is to be killed. While the emperor argues with one of the conspirators, a man named Casca stabs him in the back, and the other men follow and wound him with their swords until he falls to the ground, dead. EVALUATION: In this play, Shakespeare gave morals to the audience about right and wrong and acting upon one's opinion. He showed that one should not bring death to someone else based on their personal desires, or whether they believe it is in the best interest of their society, for they are only one person out of the many who have a voice. He also implies that if one commits an act of wrong, justified, or not, they can expect to be punished for it by the others who were hurt by those actions.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Success depends on group cohesion Essays

Success depends on group cohesion Essays Success depends on group cohesion Paper Success depends on group cohesion Paper Starting with the basics, an efficient and effective sports team is a collection of two or more athletes who have a common identity, set of goals, objectives and fate. Its members show structured patterns of interaction and styles of communicating. They view the structure of the team in the same ways. There is a mutual reliance upon one another to be connected personally and perform their skills. In other words, the team is a source of mutual benefit for the members. The athletes of a team need to be attracted to each other and think of themselves as a part of a we that differentiates them from they. The definition of cohesion `a dynamic process that is reflected in the tendency of a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its instrumental objectives and/or for the satisfaction of member affective needs (Carron et al., 1998, p. 213) Group cohesion is a set of forces acting on members of a group, this tends to keep them within the group. Involves resistance to group disruption, commitment to group goals and individual responsibility for the achievement of goals.  Factors in developing a team  concept and cohesiveness Situational Factors. Players in Close Proximity to each other will tend to bond together. Team changing rooms, residences, and shared means of transportation increase interaction. A team becomes more distinctive when it is identifiable in such as a uniform, mottoes, initiations and privileges. Even though the actual season lasts a few months, a team that practices all year will become more united. The Size of a team has significant impact on unity. Task cohesiveness decreased with increase in size. Personal Factors. Similarity in commitments, ability, attitudes and goals are all associated with team unity. However, the most important factor in the development of cohesiveness is individual satisfaction. Recognition from others (parents, team mates, coaches and the public), improvement of skills, affiliation, and quality of the competition are components of this factor.  Leadership Factors. A way in which cohesiveness may backfire is when a new coach is brought in. One of the effects of high cohesion is that there is an over estimation of members contribution to success. Non-members are considered to be irrelevant to achieving team goals.  This is likely when a popular and successful coach has been replaced. It is one of the main reasons why successful football, rugby and hockey teams tend to hire assistants as head coaches. A good example of this is the Liverpool boot room Roy Evans was the last example of this. They are part of the organizations history already. Sometimes outside hiring results in the need to replace talented players who have been with the team for a long time. Compatibility between team mates and the coach is a vital factor in team cohesiveness. Lastly, the more the coach allows his players to participate in decision-making, the greater the team will become united.  Team Factors. When you put the same people in a close geographic location over a significant period of time, a group is formed that has five significant components (roles, norms, stability, goals and rewards and communication). These parts become contributors to the success or failure of a group in meeting goals. This is as true for a sports team as another other type of group. As a result of on-going interactions that take place among team members, Informal Roles evolve (team leader, enforcer, team clown, etc) examples of all of these are such as Roy Keane, Tony Adams, Paul Gascoigne respectively. If, for a period of time, someone who has played even an informal role, leaves the team, the management may have to hire a new player to fill the informal role. A teams effectiveness is high when the players understand their roles (Role Clarity), accept their roles (Role Acceptance) and try to perform the roles to the best of their ability (Role Performance). A coach can improve role clarity, acceptance and performance by making the behaviour requirements explicit, minimize the status difference between roles, and create an effective goal-setting program. The impact of an effective goal-setting program is to direct the players attention and behaviour, provide motivation to develop strategies for goal achievement, increase interest and prolong activity. The presence of Norms is also associated with increased cohesiveness. Norms signal a teams feelings about behaviours that are acceptable. When a new member comes to a team, it is the manager/player interaction norms that are confronted first. As cohesion increases so does conformity to the groups standards of behaviour. If a player ignores norms, punishments are given. This is true even when a player performs above the standard expected. The teams productivity norm is a key factor in the relationship between cohesion and productivity. When cohesion is low and there is a high norm for productivity, that team will outperform teams with a low norm. If team cohesion is high and norm for productivity is low, the performance level will be low. And finally, if a teams cohesion is high and the norm for productivity is high, performance will be high. A norm that has been established on a team will last for at least four generations after the original players have left. This is an indication of the stability of a teams norms. A problem exists when a manager takes over a team that has developed negative norms. Examples of such norms include abusive behaviour toward officials or other team members, a lack of commitment to team practices, and a focus on individual verse team goals. In such cases, the manager would have to enlist the formal and informal leaders to create a positive norm. Should these leaders not cooperate, the organization might need to replace personnel. The modern day sports world offers much recognition and rewards to individual players. It makes the coachs job of creating team unity more difficult. By emphasizing the groups goals and objectives over a single players, the manager will create greater group cohesion.  As a team reaches higher levels of cohesion, communication also increases. On the other side of the same coin, the more task and social communications occur, the greater the sense of team cohesion is produced.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Little italy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Little italy - Research Paper Example However, Italian Harlem is currently composing of more Spanish Americans as compared to those from Italian origin. In this regard, Little Italy in lower Manhattan serves as a perfect representation of Italian populations in modern America. Currently, Little Italy in New York is characterized by numerous restaurants selling Italian cuisine. In addition, streets along this region are laced with several convenience stores selling products preferred by Italian consumers. History of Little Italy Historically, Little Italy in Manhattan was founded in the late 19th Century during immigration of Europeans into the US. Supposedly, Europeans from different countries including Spain, Italy and Britain were moving in mass numbers into the US. During the movement, thousands of Italians entered into the United State’s west coast. Since Europeans preferred urban settlements, most Italians moved from the cost and settled in areas around New York metropolitan. In 1910, population of Americans from Italian ancestry living in the region was approximately 10000. This does not mean that the entire population of Little Italy was ten thousand. Other people, especially Chinese immigrants were living with Italians within the city. As of 2011, demographic statistics shows that Little Italy comprised of approximately 1200 Americans from Italian ancestry. Vincenza (2008) says that through the ages, residents in this region continually move from Little Italy to places like Texas and California in search of greener pastures. This is because Little Italy is known for being a residential area with poorest Italian American in United States. Economic Segregation Based on immigration history, Italians were of lower economic and social status compared to their European counterparts like Spanish and Irish immigrants. Italians worked as farmers and laborers while British and Spanish immigrants owned farms and industries. Currently, economic segregation that existed during the immigration per iod is still conspicuous in Little Italy. Businesses owned by Italian Americans within the town are small and medium in sizes compared to those owned by people from other ethnic background. In terms of social status, Italian Americans in Little Italy live in cheap and affordable homesteads similar to those of Indian and Chinese Americans. This means that residents of Italian origin living in Little Italy still demonstrate a humble and economical living style. According to Vincenza (2008), there is a general notion that Italians were aware of their low economic power when compared to other European immigrants. In this case, their main intention of immigrating into the US was to work hard, accumulate wealth and return back to Italy. This explains why Italians in Little Italy does not prefer permanent homes and engage in casual occupation as a means of earning a living. Demographics As acknowledged earlier, Little Italy currently comprise of approximately 1200 Italian Americans. This i s contrary to the town’s population in 1910 when it reached a peak of approximately 10000 people from Italian ancestry. The reason for decline in population can be attributed to the fact that residents shift from one American state to another in search of better economic environments. In this case, Italian Americans who previously lived in Little Italy of lower Manhattan have moved to other places, leaving a

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Research Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Research Project - Essay Example Tesco deals in electronics, food, cloths, mobile, and internet service with competitors being â€Å"Morrison, Asda, Sainsburry’s, Waitrose, Iceland, and Aldi’s† (Jennifer, 365). The main reason for the business high sales and profits are that the business aims at always being the best in whatever it sets to do (Humby et al, 2008). Tesco prides itself of three main pillars aimed at augmenting their satisfaction as a means to up sales as customers, communities and the employees. From an abstract position, this would seem to be the case, but is it? This study aims at answering the question by investigating if Tesco’s loyalty program measures up to customer’s expectation (Pearson Education, 2011). The study will make great use of secondary data for the formation of the conclusion. The study will mainly consider the various ways Tesco uses to meet customer needs and make the overall conclusion if these efforts are bearing enough fruit for effective custo mer expectation delivery. This will allow the study to make a concrete conclusion to meet the need for the formation of a conclusion that will be a guide for us to meet the needs of this research on if it is meeting customer expectations (Egan, 2001). ... The introduction of customer loyalty card was aimed at meeting customer expectations and needs better through the following ways. Tesco Loyalty Card Tesco in the aim to augment consumer satisfaction and retention of loyal customers through rewarding them introduced loyalty cards for its consumers. This was a revolutionary technique aimed at gaining a competitive advantage over its main rivals Marks and Spencer, Waitrose and Sainsbury (Plimmer, p. 377). The Club card aimed at rewarding loyal customers for the purchase of items at Tesco shops. One point was awarded for every dollar spent and other currencies earn a one point to the client for each unit of currency spent and the use of Tesco cards for access to all other products of the company (Jennifer, 366). The points can be redeemed for flying time, used for club card deals for use for three times the value and the ability to be converted to Avios. These allowed the company a means to offer appreciation to their clients and the cus tomers feel cared for and appreciated to make the comeback increasing service and retention of customers. Tesco Baby Club and Student card There have been improvements to the loyalty card by Tesco with the aim of augmenting the benefits and tailoring the uses of these cards to the specific needs of the customers. The student card was aimed at rewarding students for making purchases at Tesco through the incorporation of benefits and bonuses on products tailored for students. Increased utility by the teens increased their allegiance to Tesco and allowed the company to meet their demand by giving their preference and requirements feedback. The Tesco Baby Club was aimed at women in their pregnancy terms and through to two years after child birth.

Monday, January 27, 2020

LVMH_Career Development through International Mobility

LVMH_Career Development through International Mobility IntroductionTask 1 Work Force Planning Workforce planning is a process designed to anticipate and integrate the human resources response to an organizations strategic plan. [Strategic Workforce Planning PDF]. The plan is projected to help in staffing in terms of short as well as long term. Through Workforce Planning organisations gain insight into what people the organisation will need, and what people will be available to meet those needs. In creating this understanding of the gaps between an organizations demand and the available workforce supply, organizations will be able to create and target programmes, approaches and develop strategies to close the gaps. The plan should: †¢ Depend on the staffing and the competencies predicted for the future. †¢ Asses the present work force †¢ Identify gaps which exist between the present workforce and the future requirements †¢ Develop strategies to acquire the workforce needed in the future †¢ Evaluate from time to time the effectiveness of the plan. Work Force Planning in LVMH In a global organization like LVMH, work force planning faces a lot of constraints. The plan has to take into consideration the growing number of 71000 staff who are spread across 2000 of the companies stores. Displaying an organic growth of 7% per annum it is essential that LVMH has the right and sufficient talent to compensate its future requirements. Another constraint would be the facts that the plan should incorporate fifty different autonomously run companies which are constantly growing alongside the addition of newer companies. The main aim here would be to develop the workforce in line with the business strategy. The plan should be constantly evolving taking into account the various changes affecting the organization. From the outset LVMH was an international business and had drawbacks in its work force plan which is evident from the fact that the human resource department lacked international experience and many managers were not fluent in English. The skills required were not predicted well enough to ensure the competency levels of the employees was in co-ordination with the organizations needs at that point of time. The group is headquartered in France but has to be multicultural due to the scale of its international operations. Subsequently an effective work force plan enabled LVMH to identify the competency levels it needed from its employees in line with its business strategy. This lead LVMH to develop global managers with international expertise through International Mobility. Looking towards the future, the importance of work force planning at LVMH can be related to the following global trends: †¢ Change in market trends †¢ Scarcity of skilled workforce in certain countries †¢ Changes in legislations which may collide across operating countries †¢ Older population †¢ Changes in the retirement age of the younger generation of employees †¢ Advancement in technology to change the HR function An effective work force plan which takes into consideration the growth and the staffing constraints in the operating as well as prospective business zones would equip LVMH to maximize its growth opportunities. Task 2 Recruitment Recruitment refers to the process of attracting competent prospective employees for vacancies at an organization or firm. Recruitment may be done internally or externally. External recruitment is the process of attracting employees from outside the organization whereas internal recruitment is where internal labor is used for filling vacancies. The rapid globalization of the markets combined with a constant shortage of skilled staff and advances in technology have resulted in large scale changes to recruitment practices throughout the world. A survey spanning more than 2000 companies conducted by Intelligence Group in association with StepStone, revealed that 42% prefer to recruit internationally for their operations. International Recruitment from the Perspective of LVMH There are many advantages associated with LVMH recruiting internationally to cater to its workforce needs, some of which have been outlined below: †¢ Moving from Ethnocentric to Geocentric 50% of the Senior Executives and 40% of the managerial staff are French even though they only account for 37% of the employees in LVMH. These figures portray an ethnocentric orientation of the firm. An ethnocentric orientation in a global organization can lead to a lack of understanding of the host countries differences that may require a different approach to marketing and management. Here a common belief is that the head quarters way of managing is better or more preferred than any other way of managing practiced outside. As a global organization aiming to grow internationally an ideal approach would be a geocentric orientation as cited by Levitt(1983). This would be achievable by recruiting talent internationally which would gradually reduce the ethnocentric influence and develop a pool of global managers needed by LVMH. †¢ Reduced Influence of Labor Market Conditions in Specific Countries LVMH would have a larger people base to recruit from and it will not be limited by work force scarcity in any particular country. The influence of changes in any particular countries labor market conditions would be reduced. †¢ Larger Talent Pool Recruiting employees from the countries where LVMH has presence would add to the talent pool within the organization. These new recruits would have local knowledge of the culture and fashion trends in the country of their origin. At the international level they would bring into the organization a fresh set of skills which may benefit LVMH. For example: A designer recruited in India may create an ethnic accessory which can be marketed and sold not only in the country of origin but may have a huge potential internationally. †¢ Cost Saving Recruiting internationally would reduce the need for expatriation to fill a vacancy. This would naturally lead to saving the expenditure involved. It would also reduce the work load on the International transfer team. The internationally recruited employees could be taken through intensive training to understand the expectations from management. †¢ Less Dependence on Expatriates Many expatriates are unwilling to take on certain international assignments due to various reasons. Recruiting internationally would therefore reduce dependence on Expatriates. †¢ Government Legislation LVMH operates through more than 50 stores which are spread worldwide. Recent trends have shown that governments require companies who conduct business in their country to develop the talent of the local workforce so that they hold key management positions over a period of time. Certain countries also have legislations which require a certain percentage of the staff to be locally recruited. Task 3 International Mobility International Mobility has grown with the increase in globalization of companies and the opportunities of operating in markets across the world. This expansion in business created a need for leaders and employees with global expertise to manage operations across national borders. Human resource departments are facing a growing demand on their resources in order to manage the mobility of this new type of work force. LVMH has the advantage of developing this form of work force early and now it can reap the benefits of the pool of Global Managers. Benefits of International Mobility LVMH stands to gain from the following benefits of International Mobility: †¢ Availability of skilled labor Changes in technology have created a shift in the labor market. There is a noticeable shift towards the demand for skilled labor. Shortage of labor caused in certain countries due to this demand can be counteracted with the help of mobility. †¢ Distribution of knowledge In this age, technology progresses at a very rapid pace. In the face of eminent competition it is important for LVMH to be technologically ahead and implement development in a very short span of time. International mobility of competent work force would enable the rapid distribution of knowledge within the organization. †¢ Global Competence Since the expatriates in LVMH are travelling extensively and engaged in international assignments they develop a knowledge base and skill sets. They may include an understanding of different countries market trends, culture differences, local languages, management of multi cultural teams. More globalized managers would lead to a globalized top management who will guide its international operations. This global competence of the workforce gives LVMH an advantage over its competitors. †¢ Adaptability Recent trends show that products need to be constantly evolving and be customer specific. Mobility develops an adaptive and flexible culture in LVMH and thus it can benefit by keeping in pace with the customer requirements.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Truman Capotes In Cold Blood :: In Cold Blood Essays

Capote, Truman. In Cold Blood. New York: Random House, 1965. 343 pages. Summary. In Cold Blood is the true story of a multiple murder that rocked the small town of Holcomb, Kansas and neighboring communities in 1959. It begins by introducing the reader to an ideal, all-American family, the Clutters -- Herb (the father), Bonnie (the mother), Nancy (the teenage daughter), and Kenyon (the teenage son). The Clutters were prominent members of their community who gained admiration and respect for their neighborly demeanors. After being introduced to the Clutter family, the reader becomes acquainted with Dick Hickock and Perry Smith. The two were former inmates who met in prison. After their release, the men meet up for what Dick calls Aa perfect score.@ As it turns out, Dick=s cell mate had worked for the Clutters some years earlier and suggested to Dick that he check into employment at the Clutters= farm because the Clutters were such friendly, kindhearted people. The more Dick learned about the Clutters, the more he considered seeking fast cash as opposed to employment. During the trial in the last chapter of the book, however, Dick admitted that his sexual interest in teenage girls was the most powerful force in his decision to invade the Clutters= home. (Perry stopped him from harming Nancy.) Finally, the killers were identified by Dick=s former cell mate and tracked down in Las Vegas. In the time leading up to their arrest, the reader is offered greater insight into the characters of the two men. Because Perry opposed Dick=s crude behavior and showed compassion for the people Dick intended to harm or slight, we are left to feel a bit of sympathy for him. It becomes tempting to see Dick as the manipulative leader and Perry as the helpless follower. After the suspects were taken into custody, Perry eventually confessed that he had killed Herb, Bonnie, Nancy, and Kenyon -- tied each of them up, made sure they were comfortable, then shot each of them in the head with a shotgun. In addition, it was Perry who cut Herb=s throat. Though Dick didn=t actually pull the trigger or hold the knife, he shined the flashlight into the faces of the victims as Perry killed them. Both men were found guilty of 4 counts of premeditated murder, and each was sentenced to death. While awaiting their executions, they appealed several times, losing each time, but managing to have their execution dates postponed.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Father Son Conflict in Death of a Salesman and All My Sons

In the sass, French philosophers such as Roland Farther, Gilles Delude, Jacques Deride, Michel Faculty, and Jean- Franà §ois Leotard departed from conventional studies in the history of philosophy and Egan to address the epistemological crisis reinforcing Western philosophical thought. Their early scholarship focused on the structure of language and its role in forming world-views. The work of the Swiss linguist Ferdinand De Assures, especially his posthumous text entitled Course in General Linguistics, presented the Intellectual Insight Tanat was necessary In order to separate ten synchrony Ana diachronic elements of language.Dividing language and, in effect, freeing the sign from the signified, permitted obstructionists to redefine language as a system of differential signs. Jacques Dermis's early writings obfuscate Creature's linguistic turn. Deride could not stand the fact that the Western philosophical tradition privileges spoken (the sonic) over written language (the graphic). It is within this pyramid that the speaker is accepted to be self-authenticating and in control of meaning. The writer, within this representation, is displaced and, presumably, is not in control of meaning.Assures, according to Deride, continues the Western tradition by giving more importance to the spoken word over the written word. Deride describes this as phonetics's, a oppression of writing. His work seeks to invert the hierarchy and so present writing as a necessary displacement of meaning within language. Dermis's innovative variations on Creature's linguistic turn inaugurated postmodernism sustained dismantling of the metaphysics of presence in the Western philosophical tradition. Dermis's critique of language was followed by critiques of truth and meaning in philosophy.Drawing on the work of the German philosopher Frederica Nietzsche, Deride has disrupted the visualized belief that authors intend meaning and that there is a certain truth to be uncovered in texts. Deride, i n the Nietzsche tradition, views philosophy not as a search for truth, but as a rhetorical engagement with the world. Truth and meaning are not fixed: they are metaphorical. Others have extended Dermis's insights to the study of culture, literature, politics, and psychoanalysis, and, indeed, the displacement of meaning and truth characteristic of postmodernism has proved relevant to diverse academic disciplines.Cast in the best possible light, postmodernism challenges hierarchies and presents a multiplicity of interpretations with an optimism that is not shared by the majority of scholars. Postmodernism anti-foundations is often linked to, if not actually equated with, the logic of late capitalism (Frederic Jameson) and political conservatism. Emphasis on epistemological undesirability and the loss of the subject appears to have persuaded many scholars to view postmodernism as nihilistic and irrational.Nevertheless, postmodernism has come to be considered a significant endeavor in c ulture studies. The French philosopher Jean-Francis Leotard has articulated postmodernism within the aesthetic and political spheres. Leotard's postmodernism critiques the totaling tendency of modernity's monolithic world-views. Where there is completion and unity in modernism, one finds deferment and fragmentation in postmodernism. Leotard's major contribution toward a definition of postmodernism is his theory of intransitives.Modernity, according to Leotard, privileges all- encompassing narratives such as fascism, Marxism and capitalism. Leotard's postmodernism encourages little narratives that claim to avoid utilization and preserve heterogeneity. Leotard's challenge to the tendency to conceptualize history as events in a linear sequence means that, for him, postmodernism never can be represented in language or in history. Postmodernism for Leotard is neither a style nor an historical period. Instead, postmodernism is an unrepeatable deferment of conceptualization and totality.Th is is coming from us. And we have not come close to even confronting this thing† (CTD. In Abbots, 2007: 94). Miller by his drama conveys the necessity of a humanistic response to the contemporary world. Such a description closely resembles the objectified picture the postmodern critic, Jameson, creates of contemporary society, where he announces the death of individualism, â€Å"symbolized by the emergent Anoraks Hoot; Profaner Zipper/Studies in Literature and Language Volvo. L No. 8, 2010 primacy of mechanical production† (1991 5), by which all becomes identical and exists without individual identity, choice, or spirit.Miller carefully criticizes the consumer society and its capitalist logic. In fact Wily himself as salesman uses the language of advertisement to earn money. But this consumer world has harsh rules; it exploits everybody and as Wily affirms: â€Å"eat the orange and throw the peel away'(Miller: 61) although † a man is not a piece of Trust† ( 61 In Tact man must struggle Tort survival In a consumer collect, wanly Is Like a consumer industry produces not things, but dreams disguised as things. Wily by the harsh machinery of the contemporary consumer world is beaten down.He cannot get up back. Linda exhorts â€Å"But he's a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid†(40). Wily is the victim of the American Dream and materialistic condition. Wily loan's condition is so close to everybody in the consumer world that develops a sense of kinship to each person. He makes the audience aware of a common fatality and vulnerability. The society that Wily belongs to, is the business world. His boss, Howard, is the representative of the business world, which rejects Wily.Unwilling to accommodate Will's inability to travel anymore, Howard says, â€Å"No, but it's a business, kid, and everybody's goat pull his own weight† (60). Indeed Wily is born as a salesman. Murphy defines this ide a: In the scene between Wily and Howard, he nearly sells Howard on the myth of Dave Signalman before he sabotages his sales pitch by losing his temper. Wily Leman is a very confused man, but his confusion about what it means to be a salesman and what it takes to succeed at the Job is as much cultural as personal (CTD In Abbots, 2007:108).Wily is fired, in the end, not because a hard-nosed employer wants to eat the fruit and throw away the peel but because Wily cannot even sell himself. Bigly(2005) describes Wily Leman â€Å"as agent of an intrusive commercialism victim ND martyr creature touchingly, tragically doomed by the business culture he represented but which also leaves him as solitary figure in the social landscape†(110). In the contemporary consumer world the problem of postmodern man is, he is not being himself. He becomes vehicle for participation in a cycle of production and consumption.He sells a commodity and becomes a commodity. When man thinks he can acquire e verything, material or immaterial by buying it, he regards his personal qualities and the result of his efforts as commodities that can be sold for money. Thus man misses the experience of the activity of the present moment and chases the illusory happiness called success. There are many like Wily, who put all their faith in personality, friendship, and personal loyalty-?†Be liked and you will never want† (Miller: 21), but by coming a new way of thinking about salesmanship everything has changed.Mass production and consumer culture have begun to alter his business economy, therefore, salesmanship has been treated as a profession to be learned. With mass production and increasing competition, buyers and merchants have begun to think more about profit. Murphy s idea about competition is interesting: With the stock market crash in 1929, and the Great Depression that followed it, the competition among salesmen became more and more cutthroat.As Wily tells Ben in one of the da ydream sequences that takes place in 1931, business is bad, it's murderous . Using all of the tricks that Wily has learned in a lifetime of selling, including seducing the buyer's secretary and bribing her with stockings, Wily is barely able to eke out a living for his family (CTD In Abbots, 2007:110). But during this period, the prevailing idea was still that, as Wily puts it, â€Å"the man who sakes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead† (21).According to Murphy: in the post-war period, there was a pent-up demand for things like new cars, tires, Dragon-name liquor, Ana nylon stockings, wanly Ana not Eden available ruling ten war. The enormous war industry was being retooled to produce consumer goods, and the advertising business was expanding rapidly as Americans were â€Å"educated† into desiring things like Anoraks Hoot; Profaner Zipper/Studies in Literature and Language Volvo. L No. 8, 2010 vacuum cle aners, television sets, and air conditioners, which had not been manufactured in large quantities before the war. CTD. In Abbots, 2007:111). Death of a Salesman does not simply show the predicaments of the modern man stuck in a postmodern world, but also displays the conflicting views of these two worlds. Bigly(2005), suggests: Wily Loan's American dream is drained of transcendence. It is a faith in the supremacy of the material over the spiritual. There is, though, another side to Wily, a side represented by the sense of insufficiency that sends him searching through his memories looking for the origin of failure, looking for expiation.It is a side, too, represented by his son Biff, who has inherited this aspect of his sensibility, as Happy has inherited the other. Biff is drawn to nature, to working with his hands. He has a sense of poetry, an awareness that life means more than the dollars he earns. Wily has that, too. The problem is that he thinks it is irrelevant to the imperat ives of his society and hence of his life which, to him, derives its meaning from that society (105). The Leman family is caught up in mindless consumerism, â€Å"whipped cheese† (6) and that these new products disrupt attempts at meaningful human interaction.Shockley states: Miller shows the power of advertising and consumerism, and the contradictions of attitudes toward products in the Leman family by having Wily call his Chevrolet both â€Å"the greatest car ever built† and â€Å"that goddamn Chevrolet† in the space of only a few minutes, and in Willis remark that â€Å"Once in my life I would like to own something outright before it's broken! † But while Wily utters these remarks, he still is completely caught up in the pursuit of the dream. (CTD. In bloom, 2007:86) I HAVE MONEY THEN I AM In Death of Salesman the Becoming of man is weighed through his bank balance.It is the strength of his bank account, which accordingly mirrors the importance of his existence as a being. The alienation that the industrial era brought upon men is witnessed in the character of Wily Leman. Through this alienation, Will's connectivity to society is severed and his tie to moral responsibility on behalf of mankind is weakened greatly. He brushes with the uglier side of capitalism, and yet seemed unable to recognize or condemn this brutal side. Shockley asserts: In competitive society the rewards of being successful for Wily is to be well liked and to be rich.To be rich also means to be â€Å"free† in the two senses above, with the added goldfinches of being admired, a model for others (CTD. In Bloom,2007: 84). Miller in Death of a Salesman gives the bitterest satire on human condition in contemporary century. He writes about demutualization result from Enlightenment. Miller criticizes the universal values of Enlightenment humanism. In the capitalism society, consumer culture shows the end of Grand narratives and western metaphysics, which brin g tremendous rifts and disintegration among people. Wily represents the reduction of

Friday, January 3, 2020

Bullying Behavior Is Motivated By The Bullies - 1594 Words

At one point in most people’s lives, they either have been bullied, or are close to someone who has been physically abused at some point. Many times, if not all the time there has been at least one bystander present, my question is, are they more afraid of their own safety? I going to show why I think that we as a whole should step in to help, but the community is not what it was back in the day. Why do bullies or assaulters do when they assault somebody and why? A bully behavior is motivated by the bullies pursuit of high status and a controlling, leading position in the peer group. Bullying behavior was seen, as violent behavior in the world, rather stable in time, and independent of social framework. Bullying, which is typically unprovoked and deliberate, can be considered a subtype of positive, goal-directed violence. I think have the child s possibility of being involved in a bullying relationship as a bully was related to a high level of status goals, especial ly among minor males. Men or females bullies think they need a high status to gain what they need. Why do the peers around not help in the situation. Bystanders do not help for many reasons, â€Å"because people sense of safety and sureness of the individuals involved and cause psychological withdrawal, the psychoanalyst 363†. Which is so because we feel like we are in danger from afar? The reason why is because when think even when we are not close they somehow can get us. Most college studentsShow MoreRelatedCyber Bullying Has Become A Significant Problem Among Teenagers1583 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Cyber bullies can hide behind a mask of anonymity online, and do not need direct physical access to their victims to do unimaginable harm.† I believe this quote significantly summarizes the cowards who take advantage of others through the power of electronics. Verbal bullying has always happened in schools, but cyber bullying has become a significant problem amongst teenagers. Electronic access to social media outlets such as facebook, twitter, vine and snapchat, has made it easy for people to bullyRead MoreBully ing And Its Effect On Teenagers830 Words   |  4 PagesBullying is the use of a superior strength or influence to intimidate someone, typically to force the individual to do what one wants. Bullying is a behavior that intentionally hurts someone physically or emotionally acted by an individual or group. 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Schools must remain within the law and try to find programs that have a meaningful effect on bullying, even though victims and perpetratorsRead MoreBullying And The Self Esteem1728 Words   |  7 Pagespsychologists and sociologists, bullies lack self-esteem and bully to boost their own self esteem. These bullies are also the victims of other bullies at school and/or at home and they act out on students at school to prove their self-worth . New research shows that most bullies have a higher self-esteem because they have a sense of entitlement and superiority over others, lack compassion, impulse control, and social skills. They enjoy being cruel to others and use bullying as an anger management toolRead MoreThe Effects Of Cyberbullying On Children And Teens1568 Words   |  7 Pagesto this increase many are using it to bully their peers†. According to Sherri Gordon who wrote the article â€Å"Reasons Why Kids Cyberbully Others† here are some reasons why. Some reasons that children cyberbully are they are motivated by revenge. Some kids who have unfortunately been victims of any form of bullying want to get revenge so that others can feel the pain that they have or had been going through. Children who think like that are referred to â€Å"bully-victims†. By them cyberbullying othersRead MoreBullying And The American Medical Association889 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican Medical Association it was reported that over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. Out of these 3.2 million they found that approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day and 1 in 10 students drop out to school to escape from repeatedly being bullied. Reading these statistics, you can almost hear them call for someone to step up against this horrid and harassing act known as bullying. However, in a room full of bystan ders, not one voice has the courage to stand up and interveneRead MoreCyberbulling: The New Form of Bullying Essay941 Words   |  4 Pages Bullying can be identified since the beginning of written history. Its in human nature to feel the need to create a class system and define it, from the Lepers and Jews in the bible, to the Salem Witch trials, to the African American civil rights movement; these are all severe cases of bullying. It is often cruel in nature and modern day bullying is no exception. Cyberbullying is, simply stated, the evolved state of modern bullying. Why is cyberbullying on the rise and how do you stop it? †There